
Nicotine is the only addictive drug in tobacco, but when smoking it is delivered to you much faster than vaporizing it, mainly due to smoke being smaller than steam. I am glad that you enjoy using a vaporizer, I have tried to use them but my asthma will not allow it. I can smoke though without it bothering me, as a

“It doesn’t take a medical expert to see that you have a clear paranoia of being trolled, probably stemming from all the dumb comments you make on the internet. How does that comment even make sense “I can’t believe you are dumb enough that you could just say.....” Um, you’re the fool that thinks being called out for

Oh, so now I am paranoid in your expert medical opinion? “hahahahahahaahahahaahahahahhaahhhahaaaaaaa proofread yourself bitch!” not equal to “you made spelling mistakes as well. As a matter of fact you have made a simplistic troll like comment in every post, I can’t believe you are dumb enough to think that you could

Again with the reading comprehension. I never said I was being trolled, I said you were trying to troll and failing. It is kind of funny that you are so concerned about the feelings of one writer that could not be bothered to proof read their article before publishing it. You have dedicated 5 of your only 6 posts on

oooh sassy and defensive, I thought potheads were chill.

Still flailing and failing, you are the worst sort of troll, the kind that suck at it but think they are good. Is calling me a nerd supposed to offend me, just a lame shot in the dark. Didn’t compare my post to doctors advice either, try rereading it at a grade 7 level if you can manage it. Self absorbed does not mean

“Yes, I’m certainly the one that is the self absorbed idiot here.” Yes, yes you are!

Actually I can do anything I want, including calling you out for being a self absorbed idiot. Seriously do you think your opinion even matters slightly to me? Besides what you are saying is akin to don’t question your doctor unless you have a medical degree yourself. When you do a job you are expected to perform at a

Yes, but I am a commentator not a writer.

Nah likely the Apple fan was cutting himself because it was the only way he could feel, the Android guy passed out at the sight of blood, and the Windows phone user was having a nap, because that’s what old people do.

No, the blackberry user was not invited.

Beta vs VHS vs Laser disc

Tis just a trollin’, hater gunna hate. Honestly most of the people that use Apple products should use Apple products, because they just work and I get less calls. I have never had a problem with any of the 5 android phones versions that I have purchased, nor have I had any scary viruses. I have 158 IQ and a household

I don’t like Apple because they are overpriced closed systems, I don’t Windows because fuck microsoft and their closed systems (really did anyone every buy an xbox gold membership to watch netflix?) so that leaves me with Android and some shady hackdroids. I am not a fanboi, I have just run out of options.

Zuckerberg is an idiot that got lucky with an app that he stole from someone else, his opinion means nothing. Fortunately he has enough money that he can hopefully hire some brains.

Probably because he found it fun just like everyone else that plays it. Is there some preconceived notion of what you think he should have been doing? Obviously with the duration and obsessiveness that he was playing with there is some other underlying mental health issues that should be addressed, but the mere act of

Ads are not a problem unless you are a mindless drone that will buy something you do not need or can not afford based solely on advertising. Targeted ads give me options I may not have considered when buying products I have already decided I need. I take the suggestion then do my own homework before deciding to buy

Real PC Gamers have always been a different type of gamer than the casual console semi-gamers. We are very willing to spend a lot more on hardware and put more time and effort into optimizing and squeezing every last frame at maximum detail out of our rigs. PC gaming is not just about playing a game, it is about the

Quite simply we have vivid memories of traumatic events to keep us from entering the same situation in the future and as such more likely to survive. We do not vividly recall most other mundane event like what we had for breakfast 3 weeks ago as a sort of energy conservation. We also trigger memories with smell and

Bluetooth transmits up to 24Mbps or 24000kbps, generally 192-320 kbps is considered acceptably lossless and Audiophiles believe that 1411kbps is totally lossless, so I don’t see how you think Bluetooth could be incapable of transmitting lossless audio.