
They are not actually watches though, they are wrist wearable electronic devices that can also function as a watch.

$10k might be reasonable for a handcrafted mechanical timepiece (not IMO), but the $10k gold iWatch is a $350 (debatable whether it's worth that much) device with maybe $500 gold alloy case. Plus they are ugly as shit, as are most smart watches.

sympathetic looks from people that think you are a retard for spending that kind of money on it, you can pretend it is watch envy though.

Jesus your article is a Headline? Talk about fucking click-bait. You could have just as easily published "Why is my shit green after I eat grass?"

Genetic throwback mutations caused by GMO corn in nebraska! Science bitch!

my brain seems especially good at ignoring the signals that it doesn't want which could be why I don't ever seem to get motion sickness, vertigo, or annoyed by my kids. I would bet that most hard-core gamers would get a lot of use out of this where someone that can't ride a boat without gravol will likely not.

This is a case of how statistics can be skewed to back up a flawed preconceived assumption. People with lower incomes can certainly afford a budget Android device making it popular among low income households, but there are a lot of higher income people that prefer Android OS. There are a lot of non-iOS devices that

Soooo close. Someone is going to nail this smartwatch thing soon. That strap tho? why so fugly?

Nitric Oxide (NO) =/= Nitrous Oxide (N2O ), do you even science bro?

I don't think the 80's was that long ago (45) but I didn't grow up in a world of instant gratification either. When someone complains that an app takes 2.5 seconds to load on one phone over 1.9 sec on the new one I just figuratively roll my eyes and think about when I would spend 10 minutes waiting for a computer to

Absolutely! I have listened to recorded video of peoples day to day activities and it is boring as hell, sure you may hear something that will make you chuckle or WTF but even those are few and far between. The reality is that even that standout moments have no personal connection. Think about this, how many hours of

I guess for now/ever I will be pirating HBO titles, good game plan HBO. I was patiently waiting for standalone HBO now so I wouldn't have to do that, but there is no way I am going to buy any iCrap just to sub to it.

I know right? As simple as it is so many people get it wrong, I was guilty of it myself for years until I caught a patch of bad luck that caused financial problems. I was lucky that it happened when I was 23 and it gave me a chance to learn without being to expensive. Now I am 45 I have zero debt except for investment

does anyone take an endorsement from Gizmodo seriously though?

link please?

link please?

Everyone has opinions and political leanings, I think you are overestimating how interesting you are. If you political leaning don't extend to acts of terrorism you are just another voter.

I wonder though if anyone has realized that when you are talking to someone and you keep looking at your watch when notifications are coming in, that you are going to appear to be bored and counting the seconds until you can get away from this person.

They forgot the shots of the crying soulless chinese child labour force.

not "ok" to spy on, worthwhile to spy on. I am sure they lose interest when they realize that "recipe" and "bomb" were flagged in an email that read "aunt thelma's cake was the bomb, can you send me the recipe?". The simple fact is that people are extremely boring and no one really cares what you are doing unless you