Wild Weasel

I’m sure I’ll think it’s great when I see it in person but for now there’s some nit-picky things that I don’t much care for.

That’s just not true. In most conditions locking up the wheels won’t make you stop faster but in SOME conditions, like in very loose material like deep snow or deep gravel where they’ll dig in and build a pile of material in front of them it will be better.

If you’re planning on buying a new Impala (though let’s be honest... you’re not) then I suggest you snap one up fast!

I’m gonna be honest. I had no idea that they did them differently. I don’t really have an idea in my head on what a boxer engine intake manifold normally looks like and, even if I did, I’ll never see what the one in my 911 looks like to compare it.

How old are you? I remember back in the 80's when people wore Jordashe and Vuarnet stuff and my parents had me in hand-me downs and whatever K-Mart sold.

They didn’t. They wanted to stay. The problem was that nobody wanted their cars.

Most people will never be “successful” in any definition that means people outside your immediate circle will ever talk about you.

Do you think they’d haggle over the price?

Wait... what??

Neat.  It looks exactly like everyone knew it would.  :)

Can you tell from the pictures that it’s actually the trans top version? Is it possible that they just dicked that up and copied it from somewhere?

So it’s a competitor to the Renegade?

This wasn’t a failure of the Democratic Party. This was a confirmation of the awfulness that is America.

Bahahaha!! How pedantic. Who cares? Nobody.

Do Americans just say “Thoughts and Prayers” the way people in the rest of the world just say “Hello” to one another?

Yes. The author threw out disparaging stereotypes. And your response here is mostly what you should have written originally.

Ugh. I don’t even know how to respond to that sort of smug, elitist bullshit but also don’t want to just let it slide by without comment.

Is this seriously your first time driving a 911??

No offense, but your system sounds like garbage.  :)  I don’t think any OEM system will allow you to pop the trunk while in motion and I’d expect a good aftermarket system to have similar safeguards.

Thing is... we’ve been doing key fobs with buttons for decades now. This is the first time I’ve seen this.