A manual needs you to physically select the gears and work the clutch. It can’t do it automatically. If it could, it would be an auto.
A manual needs you to physically select the gears and work the clutch. It can’t do it automatically. If it could, it would be an auto.
I think you mean Aussie Commentary. :)
I feel like things work differently in Canada. We still have credit scores and the like and I expect that having a bad one gets you bad rates because people who lend at good rates won’t lend to you.
I’m curious as to how exactly the steel tariffs are applied. I expect it’s only applied to steel as a raw material and isn’t applied to steel that’s in the form of some other product. I mean... if you buy a stainless steel toaster made in China, is there a tariff applied because of the steel content?
Isn’t that a surname??
I starred that.
Haven’t seen the movie yet but I’ve heard it’s great.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard it pronounced at all. I’ve only read it here.
I still don’t know what to make of the name “Leh”. I’m assuming it rhymes with “meh” which is kinda funny but probably wrong.
I’ve been running brake-dust coloured wheels for years now. It’s very liberating!
This show is still on??
These were nice looking cars. The newer ones with the folding hard top were horribly disproportioned and hideous.
You already have cheap Elises. Check out the Canadian market for them if you need a frame of reference.
You know... there are some people that can afford these. For those people, they’re not overbuying them.
Still cheaper than buying a high end sports car?
Aren’t distributers in general pretty simple? Aren’t they just little spinny things with some metal contacts in them?
At least you can find the engine on those.
Well... it probably doesn’t matter. I mean... it’s right there in the title. They’re a bad idea anyway.
I also thought it might involve multiple races but there was no explanation at all in the article. 🤔
Let everyone order whatever tires they want from whatever manufacturer a couple weeks before the race.