Nothing. They can do whatever they want. Tire companies have lots of money. It’s the race teams that need to be protected.
Nothing. They can do whatever they want. Tire companies have lots of money. It’s the race teams that need to be protected.
I know. I watched it. I remember. That’s a pretty specific fiasco though having more to do with the track than the tires.
I think they should toss out the tire regulations. Allow open competition again. Mandate a set price for tires and then let the manufactures compete.
Did I miss something??
What kind of a name is Leh?? It’s it a wonky spelling of Lee? Does it rhyme with Meh?
As a long time Leafs fan, we’re used to having ups and downs. Mostly downs, if I’m honest.
Yeah. I’ve heard this before. Sometimes I’ll tug at it and stuff to make sure it’s not in the way.
I really do. 😊 And I’m a small car guy. It was 100% my wife’s idea to buy it. For perspective, it replaced our Mazdaspeed3.
It doesn’t seem right though. There’s always a few sitting on every dealer lot. I’m sure they’re turning over quickly but they’re not sold before they get to the dealers.
It’s worth noting that it’s exceptionally easy to slap big tires and light bars on them. I mean... they sort of ruin them since for the most part they haven’t done anything about the clearance or gearing... but it’s easy and people think they look all butch and not at all like poser mall crawlers. So they do it. …
I’m genuinely curious as to what we should call that engine mounting configuration. I mean... it’s not longitudinal or transverse mounted. It’s kinda on a weird angle and with the crank shaft output pointed sort of up and to the left. Or maybe down and to the right.
I’ve always been utterly baffled by the Wrangler topping these lists year after year after year.
Is it though? Really?
If you’re having trouble financing a car and there are less expensive cars available in a class that suits your needs then interest rates aren’t the problem.
I’m actually glad you wrote this. I’m Canadian. I remember seeing these driving around. Until this moment I’ve had no idea why or for how long the brand was a thing.
I get that if I like California’s climate that I could move there and let other places continue to exist.
Or dog years? :)
Crap. You beat me to it. Have a star! :)
Is it TP, or is it your constitution??