
I remember reading an article back in the 1980s, when Jane Fonda’s workout videos were all the rage (I had two of them!), in which a nutritionist pointed out that Jane Fonda looked like that because her genes made her look like that. It was very depressing to a plump 15-year-old, who desperately wanted to look like

*Then pours another glass of wine and lights another cigarette.

It’s so good!

Maybe he can make the time to go check in on the mini-mooch now

Maybe Kelly will fire Trump too.

Don’t be cute. Just because they didn’t invent a word out of whole cloth, you can’t pretend that they haven’t made a concerted and very recognizable effort to usurp the term exclusively as an insult against left leaning individuals. Cuckold has also existed for quite some time; are you going to try and tell me that

It’s probably best to ignore Cranky old Grandpa Bill.

“They kidnap. They extort. They rape and they rob. They stomp on their victims,” he said. “They beat them with clubs, they slash them with machetes, and they stab them with knives. They have transformed peaceful parks and beautiful quiet neighborhoods into bloodstained killing fields. They’re animals.”

A good reminder that one of the hallmarks of white privilege is assuming anyone arrested deserves it.

He’s a pop-culture piece of garbage living in a pop-culture piece of garbage fantasy world. His only link to “reality” is what he sees on the teevee, he doesn’t know the first thing about being a cop other than whatever the teevee told him. The only violence anyone should be advocating is violence against him, as

Agreed, as long as the 8% isn’t about actual humans’ inalienable rights. I’m not down to compromise on abortion rights, LGBTQ+ protections, black lives matter, disbaility rights, or any of the other shit that Dems sometimes flee from. Dems better work as a coalition to protect those like they did the ACA.

This. A million times, this. We keep doing this whole “it’s about 92% what I want, but that missing 8% is really bugging me. Fuck it, burn it to the ground.” It’s the same fucking reason people wouldn’t vote for Hillary, and now we have a potato chip in the White House.

Thank you. The “Democrat Purity Test” is doing literally nothing to help our current situation and will only hurt us in 2018.

I wonder how much of the psychopathic reaction was shock and detachment. She should go to jail, she drove drunk, killed her sister and injured another. It’s an awful and completely avoidable tradgedy. I can’t imagine the pain their parents are in.

Everyday, a fresh new hell. The longer the investigations against him and his administration go on, the nastier he’s going to be to immigrants and the LGBT community, to try and shore up his base. It’s going to get a lot worse.

Well, as long as they aren’t slicing and dicing ugly teen girls. Anything below an 8 is fair game, amirite?

I’d rather have Katy Perry as head of energy department. Or Steve Perry. Or Richard the refrigerator Perry or even Fred Perry and I think he’s dead. Dig him up.

*Scans list*

Not that it matters, as Sanders’ job performance is not hindered or bolstered by her makeup (especially not now that so many of the briefings are done off camera), but I think she looks better in the pictures taken from earlier in the week than in the one on Friday. I mean I guess the styled hair looks nice, but the