
There wasn’t even anything of substance. If they’d have said, “Watch for the triple whatever whatever in this next jump” it might not have been so obnoxious.

This video is a great argument in favor of announcers shutting the fuck up.

“Hell, I didn’t even know the school was in Indiana”

Ebooks are the underrated library MVP. Tons of random good stuff is available on ebook, it’s super easy to download, I don’t have to leave my house AND I don’t need to think about all the nasty shit people do while holding that library book I’m not reading.

Brown still not respectable: Charlie

Do you brush your teeth at home in a sanitized clean room, specifically dedicated to the art of oral hygiene? 

where do you brush your teeth at home?

You’re sitting in your car wrong if the visor is near the clutch!

I have always felt like gymnastics has an aspect of Moneyball to it — i.e. looking at the scoring and how to gain more points. But gymnasts get those points, like for connections, because it is harder to do. I watched a lot of very pretty floor routines, but Simone is just so much more powerful, more dynamic, it is

IMO, Costco is bullshit if you’re trying to save money. It only makes sense if you’re married to a name brand. Yes 5 pounds of Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes are cheaper than the same amount at your grocery store, but I could get 5 pounds of store brands for less.

The NFL only cares about injury reports because of Vegas right?

What’s the NFL’s end game here? Isn’t having to start Osweiler for (at least) three games punishment enough?

It’s so absurd anyway. You can find servicepeople who support Kaepernick and those who don’t. It doesn’t matter; they’re just citizens. They aren’t the final arbiters of what is the “appropriate” way for other citizens to protest.

But I guess it’s easier to put veterans on a pedestal than it is to fix the VA, or for

He completed his sentence and therapy. In a lot of ways, he was the ideal case for rehabilitation of a juvenile offender. Him pulling the “I was innocent all along” makes him even less sympathetic than before, of course.

Go get the ball! Go get it!

Who’s a good boy?! The Retrievers are good boys! Good boys!

Look how happy and excited those kids are! Nobody’s even thinking about killing the other kids. All we need is a Dwyane Wade in every cafeteria and we’ll never have school shootings again!

Here’s a thought. Have whatever vague language you want, but force them to watch replays at normal speed (and maybe even give them a time limit). If you slow down the footage enough, there will always be a minutely detectable wobble. If it looks like a catch on the field, and reviewing several angles of film at normal

My phone ringer has never been on. I don’t understand people who leave all these bells and whistles activated. Whenever an old person at my office sends an email, it sounds like a rocket launching into space. I forgot that is setup by default until I was jarred awake in a meeting the other day. CRAZY.