
Letting Betancourt get a single? Gah!!!

No, this is not a good start. And now they're wheeling Giambi out there for two straight days.

For some reason Frazier thinks that Hammel would rather pitch to Betancourt than McGehee. Why would that be?

I studied abroad in Italy and those Italians told me three things about wine:

At what point do you stop putting MLB experience on your resume? Because his is pretty bleak.

I've never felt so loved than to be stalked by two deadspinners.

He's really fascinated by this "retractable roof" thing. I'm waiting for the ... when I played ... story.

Ah jeez. The TV guys are just terrible. They talked about it being a sunny day against a panorama of clouds. C'mon....

Oh man, this is the day I've been waiting for.

Stop looking at my dogs.

It's always catty around here.

I like all of these scenarios because they don't have time zone issues. The Rapture will be at 6 pm Saturday ... where? Australia? London?

And plays it well, at times.

Olivo was a passed ball machine, but he could call a game and calm down pitchers. I think that is very important.

Stuart, you are so naive. Everything Bud Selig does is great for baseball.

Ex-Royals DUAN


Because you put a heart in front of your name. And now there's one at the end. It wasn't really a compliment. !

While I agree with all of that, it's more important that you know that the long name is: