The hilarious thing is that the cars in Arizona, with the police package and heavy service, seem to survive. And they are the same cars. Such bullshit.
The hilarious thing is that the cars in Arizona, with the police package and heavy service, seem to survive. And they are the same cars. Such bullshit.
I am not sure everyone read the whole thing, but the ending is dynamite.
Guys a hero for driving that car down a well manicured dirt road so his daughter could go rock climbing.
38 Studios and Kurt ain’t paying shit. My understanding is there is some sort of insurance policy that is coughing up the bucks.
THIS. High beams when you have a bulb out makes you an asshole of epic proportions.
When I drive great distances, 430 miles without a fill up would be nice. But I often have a passenger, so it is every other hour no matter what.
I think people also forget that the supercharger network is for S and X owners. It will be an extra cost for 3 owners.
Wasn’t the “roastmaster” David Spade?
On some of the big expensive rally events, there are sponsors and part of the deal to lower the cost/make it more profitable is that the cars all need to have the sponsors decals on them. Its a shit ton of stickers
Knock on wood but HOLY SHIT. My family has pretty much only owned Fords and Toyotas (1scion). In 300000 Toyota miles, just routine shit, and some exhaust parts. Nothing crazy. Fords, the same way. Have a mazdaspeed 3 with the dreaded cx7 motor, buts it’s been fine.
So they design the awesome and bizarrely complicated rear doors that can fully open in the smallest of spots without interference and yet the front doors will just bitch slap any car next to them. Nice.
Don't worry. They will get delivered in late 2016, not at all January 2017. Which is to say they will ship 6 of those fuckers to a dealer down the street right around Christmas.
Should have filed in Massachusetts.
Missing orange crush and root beer flavor. And maple bacon.
Is that Jeremy’s Vietnam jacket?
Thats the car you want. 700hp, non of the bullshit. I heard the p1 was struggling with some performance targets and I can only imagine if you ditched what is likely hundreds of pounds of batteries, controllers, and a motor, you could probably get close with just the extra boost.
Good thing he has that parachute cause of those piece of shit brakes.
They probably already own a car.
Tacomas seemingly never lose value, and they are pretty bulletproof. That being said, the F-150 is pretty good, and the raptors appear to be holding well.