This is a good question as I am moderately tall, but very fat. Thank you sir!
This is a good question as I am moderately tall, but very fat. Thank you sir!
The office is a square. When I initially set things up, the router was close to the center. But the direction we moved, VOIP, hardwire connections to most desks, and a closet full of stuff, ultimately meant we would have to run cables from the closer, to the router and back. A better solution was to just get a regular…
The office is a square. When I initially set things up, the router was close to the center. But the direction we…
3000 sq ft office, speeds were great. Ultimately, my cable connection, switch and various other network crap sit in a closet at one end of my office. To put this at a central location was a challenge. When I had it set up I was getting 700+. With the unifi pro 20 feet away I'm only getting 425.
3000 sq ft office, speeds were great. Ultimately, my cable connection, switch and various other network crap sit in…
I had one for a little while. It was crazy fast but ultimately not what I needed for my office. Looks awesome, is enormous, and the software was not total shit.
I had one for a little while. It was crazy fast but ultimately not what I needed for my office. Looks awesome, is…
Came here to say this.
Tavarish, Honest thoughts on the f10 m5? Used they are going to 3-series money, and are crazy fast.
Raviolios til I die. NOT to be confused with raviolis, or speghettios.
See I would disagree. If you want to drive a dangerously fast road or speed, then do so. But if you want the car to more or less drive itself, then it should limit itself to the speed limit.
I think the dress code and subsequent memo are overkill, and she should win those matters. But dressing in a “compatible” wardrobe but like a tv character it ultimately going to play very thin with attorneys or other professionals if it has to go to the legal arena.
Why is this not being investigated for what it is? Someone was speeding, but their speed was not as factor in their death. What was a factor was some asshole cutting across traffic.
From a liability standpoint, I would not permit my self driving car to drive itself over the speed limit. The car can go over the speed limit, but not self drive over.
These have been excellent
This is a pretty solid list.
I also saw the calculation and was confused. 82000 is about right.
I just hope it has some towing capacity, which has always been, at least to me, a huge limitation of the wrangler.
This is a no brainer. Where do I preorder?
So, they eat a billion calories a day. How do they poo? Besides the obvious ‘from their butt’, I've always wondered what you do if you eat some bizarre French lake fish that doesn't agree with you and you are on the bike for 5 hours?
I don’t know anything. Just a hunch. Otherwise they will get the same treatment as Norway (is it Norway? I think it is). So, the same rules as exist now, but with no vote.
Do you honestly believe that automobiles made in the UK will not be subjected to a tariff? There will be little, if any, free trade between the UK and the EU.
Is Afflect wasted?