
Isn’t any discussion of other sources of income or “market realities” over-complicating the issue? The USWNT players perform the same job as the USMNT players, for the same employer, for less pay. End of story. Whether any of them have any other income, or need the pay more, or deserve it for any reason other than

Right. All of those “[Superbowl Loser]: Superbowl Champions” shirts sent to Africa etc. do a lot more harm than good.

Thank you for the response! It’s unfortunately so easy for all of us to misinterpret things on the internet any time they don’t align 100% with they way we would have said something.

Are... are you serious?

Do you really think it’s only Jews who are “claiming” that anti-Semitic acts are on the rise?

I think a sweep would mean a Game 4 loss at home, which isn’t the worst way to go (better than on the road, at least).

For the cleanest results, you can use fishing line, unflavored dental floss or a wire cheese cutter to cut the cooked egg in half.

I’m in favor of Medicare for all, or at least a greatly expanded version. But if corporations didn’t have to pay for their employees’ insurance, I doubt that they would all use those savings to pay their employees enough to offset the higher taxes. While you can certainly argue that the total cost of healthcare would

Having had both male and female roommates and (like anyone else) used plenty of friends’ (of both (or multiple) genders) bathrooms in their houses and apartments, I agree with the dirty (male) vs cluttered/messy (female) generalization... with the exception of hair in the bathroom. Oh god the hair.

Victor, if you really hate the yellow wheels that much, all it would take is five minutes with a wide-tip marker to make them (mostly) black. Hold the pen in place against the wheel and turn the wheel, and it will look more uniform.

Victor, if you really hate the yellow wheels that much, all it would take is five minutes with a wide-tip marker to

Also worth noting that Kuchar failed to make this point himself when justifying his shittiness. If he really thought that Ortiz only deserved an extra $15k because of the service he provided (or didn’t provide) he should have said so.

Great article, but the comparison to the location of the Mets’ field is a bit ridiculous when you consider the public transportation options to get there and the fantastic dining one stop in either direction off the 7 (and if the weather is decent Flushing is within walking distance). I haven’t been to a Phillies game

FWIW, the “five second rule” for dropping food has been largely debunked; bacteria on a surface can adhere to food that falls on it almost instantly. There was a Myth Busters episode on that, IIRC. I think 15 min would be more than enough time for any transmission.

Here are some hard numbers to put the value of low-cost funds into perspective. After 30 years, this is the amount of your portfolio that you lose to the following annual fees/expense ratios:

I get what you’re saying about exact prices - but he was off by an order of magnitude. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t mis-quote the cost of your Blantons by a factor of 10. The degree to which he was off is what matters here. It’s pretty hard to have a good idea what it costs to shelter and feed a family when you’re

Nice username-comment synergy.

because he wins football games...

Having worked at a Trader Joe’s, I’d say that sitting would make the job more difficult. You can’t reach as far to move items toward or away from the scanner, accept cash from or give change to customers, bag groceries, etc. etc. That may not all apply if the store has a bagger or customers do it themselves, but that


I really appreciate your patience and thorough replies. At this point I’m just trying to learn more, not question your expertise. And I certainly understand that you need to think of this from the perspective of other customers and restaurant management, rather than just one person.