Nonononononono... This is not an angry cat. THIS is an angry cat:
Nonononononono... This is not an angry cat. THIS is an angry cat:
Um. Yes. He made her pretend they didn't know each other because of his own insecurities about being a Nice Guy who never got into her pants. It's not her fault she was more attracted to Logan.
Do also have friends who go on a diet, and that's all they talk about? Do you have friends who are into fitness programs, and that's all they talk about? Do you have academic friends would love academic gossip, and that's all they talk about? People talk about their main project a lot. Mothers are often singled out as…
Great. More sanctimommy crap heading our way.
Word. I would suggest we form a club to celebrate our childless laziness, but that would be too much work.
I get to not deal with children AND be lazier? WIN.
Ah ok. I didn't realize Gawker Media was running so low on bandwidth they had to start rationing letters 6 at a time.
If by downside, you mean upside. Because, yeah, I'm cool with not being the busiest bee in the world.
If diminished productivity is the downside of remaining childless, I accept.
"Needless to say: FACE."
I'm sorry to hear about your health and hope things are okay. But jesus, if we can put wedding planning in the same emotionally traumatic ballpark as cancer treatment... Culture is fucked up.
I like you too. You're REASONABLE.
For serious, though — my husband and I were together for 7 years before we got married, and we just went to the courthouse, because it was about the marriage, not the wedding. I just...I do not want to poop on other people's dreams, but the wedding industry in this country is absolutely insane, and the social rules…
Pretty much. It's one of those patriarchal, assbackward stupid dumbfuck straight lady things that set women back.
Or be an adult and just get married at the courthouse and don't waste money?
Those media and protestors should go home and reconsider their life choices.
McDonalds is in a bit of a pickle. It seems that people aren't trying to get their Big Mac on quite like they used…
It's damned expensive to sew, now. When I was in H.S., it was considered part of being well-rounded to be able to make your own sundresses, skirts, knit your own sweaters, etc. (Yes, we had the Martha Thing going on before Martha was a Thing.) But that was before fast fashion, and the cost of good fabrics and…