
The dish soap is concerning, not because it’s dish soap or that it doesn’t work as they were using it. It’s concerning because it’s not spec. If workers unilaterally decided to use dish soap instead of what’s spec’d, you have to ask what else did they decide to change on the fly?

The key card is concerning.

SquareEnix:  "300 million copies?  What a financial disappointment."

You’re right, and yeah, all of those games have the classic 2D structure.

I mean, it's an awful death. Gotta have some class. 

Well, 11 hours and 35 minutes Canadian is only 8 hours and 45 minutes American.

Context is usually the first victim when a politician decides to quote a study to justify their goal.

Probably the most fun anyone will ever have mounting a transmission.

Build it and they will come

It is  not a flamethrower, it’s a door key!

Minor quibble: Terry Fox wasn’t a cancer researcher. He was an advocate for cancer research, which is related but not quite the same. He had a kind of bone cancer - I knew the specific kind once - and had his leg amputated in an attempt to stop the spread. In order to raise money for cancer research, he decided to run

Wheels (and the tires that are attached to them).


I think that their goal isn’t to sell batteries, but to get bought by another company.

Why don’t y’all just do a feature called “Ask a Trucker”? I’m sure I’m not the only one on here who drives commercial truck for a living; I’m also a driver trainer. 

Did your dad also hand-crank start his own cars? ‘Cause that is actually how you start a car? It’s more “engaging” and causes you to “actually learn about governing the engine”.

My buddy has an ex-wife that’s a loose nut.  The indicators were a little different.

If the Prime membership is used properly it could really cut their logistics costs. 

The rechargeable AAs from Amazon Basics should do the trick.

Cap is so low now, teams will be confined to using only 6 AA’s, or 1 9-volt battery per car, per race.  It’s INSANITY!