
99% of Shig ideas - obvious to anyone.


hmm apart from the combination of puppets and cg faces it looks good. That saspect makes it look

everything BUT no 1.

@Cupajo: not just him, George & Steven helped twist the knife.

just like they helped out the RIAA, Apple has come along way from their roots. Just another Big corporation like all the other scum.

@Bizara: it's a bit hudsucker proxy with wonder years thrown in

@bob_d: yup and in some ways took DNA's creation and wiped it arse with it. White washing the board? Dirk is not a simpleton, weird stuff happens around him and he doesn't quite get it. I thought this adaptation completely missed the point of the main character. Poor. As a fan of the books, don't let them do any more

stick solar panels on the top of the baloon type too

@SirTruthington: Character good. Being rubber in the computer world, just about getting away with. Being the same in the real world - terrible, if that had been just a little better or they had only showed his face in the computer world I could cope with it but as it was 'Young' Flynn/Clu looking the same (badly

@phoghat: special edition version has the full lot.

@Dancing Milkcarton: very true. The design and effects (apart from rubber Bridges) are also top notch.

lets hope their writing is better than that of Tron Legacy, that was rather limp.

@jmquez: what is that bike? That looks very clever

Oh god please NO & especially not with him. He is not funny in the slightest.

@Dragoona: it's set before the season finale

fingers crossed the dead actor's relatives tell him to go away.

wanted to like it but found it to be really tedious and always skirting round anything interesting e.g. the entire hijack/crash is off camera, the hallucinations don't seem to have any rhyme or reason (ok early days on that). It's just two women bitching all the time. Sorry not my thing.

@collex: most times you see extras in films wearing chainmail it is just silver painted knotted string.. not joking

Hmm disagree with most of the cons and the conclusion, I thought this was the best episode so far.