
That is NOT The Underminer. It is The Shoveller from Mystery Men.

I would show you, if Kinja weren’t a POS and would let me post images.

This was a great adaptation. The studios will return to find the audience found something else to do besides streaming and TV. They’re cutting their own throats.

When two very famous celebrities show up”

there were three? lizzo, jack black and Doc

This was a great episode. Unfortunately, I had the three cameos spoiled, but it was still cool seeing their characters. And I was pretty impressed at Lizzo’s acting. Bryce Dallas Howard should direct every episode. 

It’s simply impossible to overstate the influence and effect that Settlers of Catan has had on the board game industry as a whole. Even if the game sometimes shows its age in the huge industry that’s grown up around it since is release, that industry would literally not be here were it not for SoC breaking through in

On the off chance there is anyone left here who hadn’t seen them and had dismissed them as being childish nonsense (as I did when the first came out) - Paddington is great.

This is literally what “the Clone Wars” should have been. Powerful people being replaced with clones that are under the influence of a sinister group. Mystery! Intrigue! It would have been so much more compelling than “army of disposable cgi men fights army of disposable cgi robots while Yoda flips around like fucking

I mean, there’s still all that horrific shit of him sliding into underage girls DMs and telling them they’re hot jailbait.

Not only is it stupid, but the design of the tunnel is terrible and dangerous. The way the walls slope up makes it very certain that if anyone ever happens to hit the side, they are likely to end up on their side or even upside down, and even worse, wedged in the tunnel. Add to the fact that it’s single lane that

Assuming how they describe their whole process is accurate, these are books that they have purchased or had donated to them. They scanned them, and once scanned, they literally lock them away so that no one else can read that book. Effectively, to read that copy, you do it through the borrowing system you’ve

And missing from your post is it’s all public domain, out of circulation or not accessible through any supplier or service

I’m a writer and I’m on the side of the Archive, especially for those books that are Out of Print and out of Circulation. Digital copies are the only way to access these books that no one is making any funds of - who know all those books that wind up in the landfill or box sales at 25 cents a box for decades old

It’s very funny how he’s speedrunning the arc of every insane business tycoon including establishing a doomed company town 

the first one is a very good modern take on the action films of the 80's - very simple plot/characters, amazing action.

I’m looking forward to when the shareholders oust Musk from Tesla. The man is clearly a complete liability 

Which is to say, entire layers of middle management of this company exist to insulate the CEO from actually needing to understand how any of this works and also to insulate the people who need to understand how relevant things work in order to do what they do from having to respond to the CEO’s whims.

It’s a dart. Or a missile. Its performance comes from thrust not lift, is what I’m getting at. Or more accurately, its relative thrust to drag. Yes, there is some lift, but its tiny compared to it just being a low drag dart. It’s a clever interpretation of what a paper airplane is...but I would say this is a record