
Countering all the positive State Department reviews, the last time I applied for a passport it took a full year because the State Department has segregated its ‘customer service’ people from its ‘people with real power’ to such a degree that despite the fact they took all my documentation, lost it, and then sat on my

Yes, much like boy bands formed by Simon Cowell types. They come up w/ a plan & hold auditions. But don’t for a minute think that the ones that authentically sprout don’t get cautioned about relationships. It is a classic PR move. I don’t know about you , but growing up I remember many male artists keeping serious

From Mexico... And it is pretty much the same things that spook most USAians about their country that spook us: guns, the right, etc

They are creeped out by the overwhelming obnoxiousness of many things here. Our distaste for education is strange. Our inability to keep some tradition & cultural roots. Teenagers/ young folks getting married. Family membees not taking care of each other. The weird things we are public/private about. We are WEIRD!

Whatever they’re doing, I’m sure it’s heavily pixelated

I went to a wedding in Romania this summer, and was one of two Americans there. I got a lot of questions like “how many guns do you own?” and “is that all you’re really eating?” and “what is it you like about Trump?” -____-

I do wonder what about the U.S. creeps other people out. I feel like Japan gets a bad rap because they seem so close to “the West” in terms of economic development, architecture, and their ability absorb all sorts of foreign ideas (or at least words if not the principles behind them), yet they have a distinctly


This is already the case for Arizona ID cards as my mom has found out the hard way. The governor refuses to let “Big Government” dictate how he runs his state, so now my mom has to fly on her passport within the country. Crazy.

Made me think of the expression “Act British,think Yiddish”. Which is really perfect for the plummy toned, Kaballah loving Madonna.


The ‘upcharge’ happens in that they don’t get the nice stuff. Rude arsehole wants a window seat? Sorry, it’s magically reserved. Arsehole wants more free items? Sorry, it’s suddenly one per table. Arsehole wants the blinds adjusted because the light is in their eyes? Sorry, they’re not actually adjustable!

That’s okay, you won’t be missed.

I work at a tourist trap in Houston (it’s all about spaaace!) and while it’s essentially a museum, people treat it as if it’s DisneyWorld and they should be treated like fucking royalty. So when there is a 2 hour wait for a tour and parents ask me why and I explain the whole concept of a large amount of people wanting

“Well you said you wanted to order from the lunch menu, but the lunch menu isn’t served again until tomorrow...”

The “customer is always right” thing for abusive or cheating customers doesn’t even make financial sense. Doing it for a big spender at a casino, sure, you deal with their abuse because they’re dropping 6 figures at the blackjack table. But for a restaurant customer?
One of these is going to happen:
(A) they don’t

I worked at a pub in university, and once this dude came in, ordered two well rye & diets, and then tried to walk out on his tab. I was at the tail end of a ten-hour shift during finals week and had absolutely had it - when I saw his making for the door I literally grabbed him by the collar, sat him in a chair guarded

I wondered about that too. Maybe they were her employee/slaves and they are so terrified of her wrath that they couldn’t speak up. Or they’re just assholes. Like her. I’d like to order a few more pitchers of sangria just for them.

What are the odds when they go to other coffee places who make their drink as ordered they complain that it’s not as good as x place?