
These are amazing. Where did you find the backdrops?

Sadly this happens not because of some job opportunity.

I don’t doubt that shadiness happens, but Zabella’s story sounds like typical helicopter-parenting in a middle class/upper middle class burb. Not that I remotely *agree* with it, but it’s almost a cultural norm now to have parents- usually the SAHM do things that kids used to do for themselves just a generation ago

Not that it really matters, but it was a camel @ 2Am in Minnesota that he was wanting...either way it’s a pretty bizarre request that seemed (I guess) reasonable to His Purpleness.

This happened and is still playing out to an extent in Russia and Ukraine where there has been continually a shortage of marriageable men vs women. Some say the numbers are around 4 women for every guy and as high as 7 women to one in some areas.

Thank you for this...one of my absolute favorite Dave Chappelle skits. The way that the Purple One just mysteriously hovers...

Yep. I grew in the Boston area in the 80’s/90’s. Kids still called it “tonic” as a generic term in the 80’s, but it started phasing out in the early 90’s, so I guess I was part of that last gen.

It’s always fun to see those old recordings of Britney before she started singing with the higher-pitched baby-waby-whispering singing. She actually tries for a bit of base when she was younger.

Ha! My almost 3 year old godson keeps telling me I’m having an Iguana.

This...can’t be real

I had my molars sealed in the 80’s. I grew up in a blue collar area, so it can’t be because I was in some sort of special, cutting edge dental office.

It’s not legal in the U.S. either. But the teenager didn’t know her rights and thought she couldn’t get medical help or sue. There’s no way whatever document she signed (especially while suffering from burns and/or being intimidated by her bosses), would hold up in any court. Fast food restaurants definitely take

I was also nodding along with you until the last sentence. You can learn an incredible amount about a foreign place in less than a week and remember it vividly for years.

Thanks for posting one of my favorite scenes (first 25 seconds or so). Bruce Wayne was somewhat of a recluse...more brooding and contemplative, not whining about dead parents or picking up chicks for show. Now, I really do like the Christian Bale versions- don’t get me wrong- but these early Batmans were beautiful in

It’s still considered bad/unclean in many cultures today.

It still is considered bad/unclean in many cultures.

I’ve only had just two friends touch my belly and no strangers thankfully. One was a very close friend who’s handsy and has very little boundaries so I didn’t flinch when she patted my bump. The other one is more of an acquaintance and asked first. She then rubbed my belly for luck and honestly it made me smile. It

Reminds me of that (Blink 182?) song:

The Grand Budapest Hotel. An odd and fun film that gets dark at the end, but highly recommend it.

Grand Budapest Hotel. Loved Jeff Goldblum in it.