
Did you, like, skip over the entire second half of the article where she says it's about Men too? It never ceases to amaze me how men, who should be femenism's ally due to the fact that fighting about women's issues will uplift men as well, are actually the ideologies #1 opponent.

Just as an example, let's look at

True, but when you still have tons of people spouting "I'm not a feminist because I don't hate men", maybe feminism 101 is still necessary.

the sea ain't nuttin' to fuck wit.

Some of the ones in the black aren't too awesome either...

I guess I have a hard time considering mental illnesses the same as disabilities, even though I know you can get on disability due to, for example, being severely depressed. I have borderline personality disorder, major depressive disorder and ADHD and it severely impairs my ability to function, yet I don't feel like

Ok. This is patently false. I know that many people in the larger field of Disability Studies do not support the kind of critical work you do. In constituting an addiction, or even a mental illness as a disability you are creating a type of "cross-disability solidarity" that endangers policy. This is a larger

Well, legally, a disease and a disability are not the same thing. Disabled people are afforded certain protections that people with diseases are not. More importantly, there are good philosophical reasons to distinguish between the two.

As someone with addictions who has worked in in the disabilities community I feel pretty safe in saying that no... y0u cannot refer to the stigma against addicts as "ableism." That's not right. Also, even if addiction is a disease, there is a difference between a disease and disability. Legally and for the purposes of

I've got a big family too, well a wife, a child, 2 big dogs, and 2 cats. We too frequently make long road trips. Our solution? I have an E46 M3 and our family vehicle is a GMC Yukon Hybrid. I know, I know, you hate the SUV thing, but you aren't going to find much more room than a 5-series wagon without going to an SUV

Keep popsicles in the freezer. If the kid bites a taco and cuts the roof of her mouth you now have a device to soothe the cut and make the wounded child happy. I learned this yesterday.

I once had a customer ask why the sweetbreads were listed under the entree section on the menu as opposed to the dessert section. Horrified, but not displaying the horror, I asked if maybe he meant "sweetmeats". He said yes, then asked what sweetbreads were. I told him what they were, and how they were prepared. He

I grew up in a neighborhood that had quite a mix of immigrants, i.e. my peeps were from Mexico but the neighbors were from Poland and what was once Yugoslavia. There was always a sort of comedy of errors on the signage in the nearby stores. My favorite was when the local diner advertised their 'Ho-Made Pies.'

Pretty shitty. Chicken fried steak is derivative of schnitzel and created by German immigrants as a way to make shitty tough cuts of meat tasty. I mean, you can take shoe leather, bread it, fry it, and smother it in gravy and it will probably taste pretty good.

When I was typing my comment I actually typoed quarter horse steak. Now THAT would have been hilarious if I'd written it on the specials board.

I don't really know a lot about the different kinds of coffee drinks besides hot/cold and flavors. I don't care about foam/no foam, or what they do to the milk, I just want (temperature), (flavor), sweet and caffeinated. I'm always mildly puzzled by people who're super strict about their fancy coffee.

I didn't know what chicken fried steak was until I was in my 20s. I think it's a common mistake, especially for those who didn't grow up with it. (Is chicken fried steak a southern thing? ) When my eyes saw fried + chicken on the menu, I assumed it was fried chicken. And steak, by the way, does not always refer to

That first story reminds me of when I was a young waitress (probably 16?) who'd just moved up from dishwasher and prep cook at a small-town restaurant. The chef told me, in her thick German accent, to put a Porterhouse on the specials board. I'd never heard of one, asked her to repeat it, and then confidently wrote

Owning a van is probably great for getting other folk's kids into the back of it, but for the family man who isn't a killer, I suggest something more simple. I routinely put three kids in the back of my 04 STi, two in boosters, one in a car seat. Is it tight? You bet. Leg room? Not for them!

we had to do this to keep our youngest in her room at night. when she was 2 she would crawl out of bed and walk around in the middle of the night. so i turned the locks around to prevent her from getting out and possibly getting hurt if we didn't hear her get up (or worse, if she were to open up the front door and