
Wow. That's Single White Female (the movie pictured above) territory.

Well, yes, that makes sense to want support...but by posting the dead fetus in a box? No.

I hadn't seen him in anything...until Drive. It's sort of an art house-meets-action-movie-thriller. He and Carey Mulligan were fantastic in it. I highly recommend it and made me view him in a completely different light.

You forgot "Naturally". I actually like that song.

Laughing @ the dry heaving. Poor, chemical-smelling father-in-law...

The one with tights and high heals is hot...I don't think that's a low threshold (maybe TMI tho), just a really specific thing that apparently lots of others dig as well.

Yeah, I'm all about meeting the "cast of characters" and reporting to my friends later about some of the hijinks behind the scenes. It's a great time and although I've spent a fortune traveling for weddings, I've really enjoyed seeing some parts of the country I wouldn't normally get to or priortize. Road trip!

Lol, thanks for the response. I guess a guy could say, "Let's just take these off..."

Lol. Oh gawd, I love how you *knew* something was up because of out-of-control Taco Bell cravings, hahaha.

Also, some of replies you're getting...good gracious. I'm so glad to know now that if I'm drunk or obnoxious or acting patently ridiculous I can just remind everyone that we're on a plane and they shouldn't have any expection of quiet. Or tell them that it's not my fault my voice is annoying to them. Or

I think you should have started reading aloud your police reports complete with crazy voices.

Agree that panties is not a very elegant term. But I'm curious now...what would a British guy/gal say if they were trying to get your underwear off and be all sexy about it? Knickers doesn't quite say "sexy times" for me, but that might be my Yankee ears needing some adjustment.

Yes, I had the same reaction. Even if I thought the first, younger version of him looked more like late 20's...that would still make him a bit old for a teenager (even one who's graduating that year) or for a "first love". And certainly aging him 20 years beyond that would be problematic...I'm guessing they don't

Common sense would again dictate if it was taking longer than anticipated she either could go back to the car and get the kids or come back and run the errand at another time alone or call her spouse to pick up the item on the way back from work or any other number of common sense solutions if the line was long.

That's a good question...maybe they left her alone because they saw her as a relic from the 60's/70's. Though honestly I remember her outfits becoming skimpier in the 80's. I also wonder if they said anything about Madonna back in the day; she was overtly sexual in the 80's and 90's.

Oh yeah, I remember all the jokes about Cher's wardrobe just being strings of fabric with a bit of fishnets and perhaps a jacket if it was chilly.

Wait, what?! Is his tail Santa's hat or his beard? Is he not available anymore because he's built on (sweetly frosted) lies?

Oh, man that's mean....Bwahahahaha!

Dad (who did have 'Nam flashbacks) was more a fan of Fudgie the Whale.

That's fantastic. Glad they went with it.