I was hoping he'd keep it going and hold a selfie stick camera out the window.

¡Ay caramba!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! That felt nice!

Photobombed by an old ex-pat Camaro? Found at 1:07.

You're an angry person.

Funny, that's what I originally wrote. But then I tried to be more inclusive. Your version is probably better.

And owning any Alfa is required to be a real car enthusiast, at least according to Jeremy Clarkson!

Generally, no roof rack means police version. And I’m not sure about Explorers, but the ‘Taurus’ interceptors aren’t technically Tauruses. So they don’t have the giant Taurus badge on the back. Don’t pass it too fast if that’s not there!

Hey, another opportunity to post this photo!

Ha ha!

You're doing it right.

This article strikes me on a couple levels. I owned two Alfa Spiders when I was younger that I thoroughly enjoyed, even if there was always an underlying fear of not making it to my destination. The joy of the voyage and the sensations of each trip were heightened in spite of that. Or maybe because of it.

Is Fiat going to make an X1/9 out of this?

Maybe I need to add a couple.

Lol! I love it!

See the other reply here. Apparently it’s a Maybach!

Leather wrapped throw pillows. Dare to dream.


What was the last car that came with a throw pillow?

This guy’s a baller. No T-120s for him