“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by Kinja.”
“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by Kinja.”
The ONLY thing she didn’t do was light one up afterwards. Not that she needed to. I am a HUGE fan of her Facebook page that has this racist’s funky ass email, with address, on display as the cover photo!!
When she actually said Nigger on live TV, because at that point, ain’t nobody trying catch these hands from her while she at work and censor her, I exploded.
I am always way more scared when people are quietly and slowly explaining their anger to me in measured precise language. Shouters are just for show. Quiet talkers are like Z-Bo or Matt Barnes, it’s about to get very real if you say one more thing.
The staccato in her speech made each of those claps exist and not exist at the same time. Sharon Reed just invented Schrodinger’s Clapback and should be up for the Nobel Prize in Physics for that shit.
That camera angle let me know some shit was gonna go down.
I love a good read, I REALLY love a read with receipts, and I ESPECIALLY love a read with receipts where you just let the other person’s words serve as the rope as to which they can hang themselves.
What we witnessed was an assassination.
pnw black lady here, I rarely close the blinds. Folks have seen titties before and I have nothing to steal. I need to eek every drop of light out of the day as possible.
Word! In a NYC minute, just in case he is wondering.
He looks really good. #ijs
Each one of the above pictured statues depicting the human form is all about implied movement and emotions. They are not always “beautiful”, but they are so evocative. They absolutely blow away the emotionless bronze “memorials” which are nothing more than a fancy way to pee on a space to claim it.
for reference:
As an English speaker who immigrated to a non-English speaking country with like five words of the language - these English-only people are all cruel bastards who should be made to experience how tough and lonely it can be, how much work (and often money) it takes to learn another language.
I’m going to re-post something I wrote after I watched the video on The Splinter earlier today, because this is so frelling disturbing.
My German, Czech, and Norwegian ancestors didn’t speak a damn word of English when they came over in the 1850s either.
I don’t want to be a pedant, but The New Colosus was written by a female American poet as a fundraiser for the construction of the fucking Statue of Liberty. Miller is saying that an American poem older than the statue but written in connection with the statue and helped to make its construction possible is…
If we’re going to jump on things that don’t count because they “were added later”, let’s talk about “In God We Trust” and “The Pledge of Allegiance”.
My father came to the USA not knowing any English. He came from nothing and worked hard in a factory so he could raise me and my brother into a decent human beings. I’m a U.S. citizen who has a college degree and ABA approval paralegal certification, I speak three languages, work at a fancy law firm, and read news in…