
That’s the Kobiyashi Maru of this.  Do it like they did?  Problematic as laid out.  Do it like you said?  Appropriation.  Don’t do it at all?  Erasure.  There is no winning move here.

I understand people’s reticence to this, especially if you belong to the cultures this particular fantasy-inspired campaign exists in, but if your example boils down to them wearing some costumes in a silly promo piece that explorers used to wear, then that’s... not a lot.

So no matter how sensitive or respectful they might be, white people should never explore anything outside of their own culture and heritage? It is WILD how the far left is swinging all the way back around to the idea that segregation might be a good idea

Maybe they thought that dressing up in traditional attire of cultures that aren’t their own as white people would’ve been 10x worse.

No one is ‘so mad’, it’s just like 20 people on Twitter. I’ve seen just as many people be happy to be represented and feel seen by the campaign.

This is how I feel as well. People can criticize From Software, they can give their input on what they want, but at the end of the day these games are art, and as such the team should be free to express their vision the way they want to. If that expression includes a difficulty slider, so be it, but the same goes for

If you don’t want to play the games that are that difficult, then don’t. There’s not a paucity of media out there. Its not like Souls players are bombarding the makers of random other adventure games with demands to make it insanely hard so they can find it fulfilling.

Trying to insist that every game have an easy

The most nuanced take I have on the whole difficulty debate is that, as a developer, From Software is allowed to produce their game as a work of art however they want to. Where as people are allowed to criticize that work and ask them to do better, they have every right to listen to that criticism and iterate their

It’s funny how often the “every game should be for everyone” apostles fail to see the flaw in their reasoning when they instantly make an amalgamation between a community and its toxic vocal minority.

Dont play it?

Youre a wuss. Anyone offended by words on a steam description is clearly part of the problem.

The true successor to the SWAT series and truly one of the best experiences of the year.  If you don’t like tactical shooters don’t -lay them - no need for an 80o word article 

I still wish it was Bruce Campbell playing Sully.

Argued by whom?

Bring back Michel Ironside as the voice of Sam or GTFO! Don’t get me wrong I liked the guy they used in Blacklist but its just never been the same without the OG voice of Sam.

A slur is a slur, but context is also just as valuable, and pretending that all things are equal when it comes to words and who is offended by them is just silly. 

A slur is a slur no matter who it’s aimed at. The target being white people doesn’t make it somehow okay.

Sorry Nick Offerman, but Bills original voice actor, W. Earl Brown (aka Dan Fucking Dorrity) is the perfect choice. And I’ll be forever sad that he isn’t in this. And if I recall it seemed like he was even hoping to be in it to, considering that back in the summer he specifically wrote on Twitter that “Unfortunately,