
Yes, we call that kind of privileged person “legitimately privileged”.

The difference is the quality of the formula.  

But didn’t you hear, everything must be for everyone all the time or we’ll complain that it’s too hard!

that’s fair, the Soulsborne games are certainly not for everyone.

prohibit most players with forced difficulty

You could swap “Vikings” with pretty much any other group in history without altering the rest of your paragraph. Every culture has done some heinous shit, and most cultures have done a lot of non-heinous shit too.  The Vikings were far more than just bloodthirsty raiders, and their raiding is probably overblown

If you look at any historical culture, they will have done all kinds of horrible things. It seems to be how they survived. At least the vikings didn’t claim to be peaceful while they did it.

You can have a good game made by a bad company. That’s not even a remotely difficult or unusual scenario to have.

Out of curiosity, do you feel anyone who enjoys Harry Potter and thinks they are good books or films is “spitting in the faces” of a group of people? Does the artist, and and of themselves change the quality of the product to the point it is not good?

Serious question (and I hate to get political) but what’s stopping a black person from starting their own game company? Who better to depict POC than POC themselves... why is it up to white devs or asian devs or whoever? Bollywood doesn’t put many white people in their movies, and it doesn’t upset me.

As an artist, who considers themselves liberal even , I really don’t understand the resentment and politicization of the headline/article. It is a render test. Technology and processes that would propagate across multiple characters of different ethnicity and genders. Many games have more representation than ever

20 AAA. There actually is no telling the amount in the 45,000 as they encompass all, not just AAA. Not saying we don’t need more diversity, just that you are comparing incompatible stats.

Most of the developers mentioned in this aren’t american. Resident Evil is developed in Japan, Returnal was developed by a Finnish company. It’s not an american issue, it’s the whole world.

I really love diversity, but putting myself on the fence, somewhat... Do you think companies need to “force” diversity if they are European? If an African games company made 10 AAA games about various African warriors/heroes and then suddenly made a game with a white protagonist to sell copies/”pander... I dunno. I

a violation of privacy to the character in the game whose privacy you are violating.

Funny how there’s no outrage articles about all the violence and killing and murder in the game and the achievement you can only get by killing things, too.

Turning one of my favorite characters, with a mouth as foul as her heart is big, into an object to gawk at”

Hahah, please, Kaine has been running with half her ass and tits out for 10 years, and only NOW she’s an object to gawk at? How come you didn’t complain about the same 10 years ago? Sorry, you get no victim