
Then why adapt it in the first place? If you want a new plot, then make a new plot set in the same universe.

I’ve worked in the games with Movie people. You have to understand that they A) work on a level of company politics that makes the most backstabby game studio look like a kindergarten, B) Have 0% respect for everyone on the narrative side of the games industry (they have a tiny bit of respect for the technical

I will forever be confused about tv adaptions of anything (games, books etc) not following the original plot, given that the reason (usually) the tv adaption is being made in the first place is due to the widespread popularity of the original plot.

Thanks for the article. I think it’s really important right now to be critical of a lot of how these tools are being used to essentially bring r/aboringdystopia to life.

Like it or not, this is the way it’s going. I assume every single main quest and side quest will be tailored made for the game. But generic NPCs will inevitably be crafted using AI. They will probably be equipped will all the world building devs made to be convincing and will be able to react based on your

Yup. I mean, partly 4k streaming is worse than regular 1080p bluray disks, due to bitrate restrictions, and 4k blurays are just legions better, but more importantly, companies are just terrible at dealing with their digital libraries. I’ve been swooping in on essentially every cheap 4k sale to make sure I’m not losing

Naughty Dog announces Last of Us Part 3 Remaster ahead of Last of Us Part 3.

Let’s keep it simple: not terrorism.

Yeah, the brainwashing around Israel&Palestine has utterly failed with people under 35.

Every penny Piker raised for “Palestinian relief” is going to be appropriated by Hamas for guns, bullets and bombs. And the next time terrorists shoot up a festival or a nightclub, or blow up buses, I hope those faux-activists lose sleep wondering whether they funded those deaths. Somehow I doubt they will.

“Wow, Palestine, you’ve got world support. How did you do it??”

“ At the time of writing, the Palestinian death toll has surpassed 5,000. ”

Likely answers:

I don’t mind you ratting a guy out for breaking the law, but I do question the intelligence of then outing yourself as the one who did it on multiple platforms.

Guy who records himself committing felonies gets arrested for committing felonies. Self-aggrandizing dork gets banned from dork subreddit.

I’d have a modicum of respect for Adkins if he showed the courage of his alleged conviction and just took the L, Snitches Stitches etc. be damned. If he genuinely believed he did the right thing, okay, good to know there are still honest hard-working Americans out there lining up to shield billionaire corporations,

Conflicting opinons:

Homeboy was on the internet bragging about getting the game and showing off selling the game to people. Not a matter of whether he deserved it or not: dude was tempting fate and got burned

On the other hand:

No one likes a bootlicker

What’s extra pathetic is that he obviously did this to boost his own ego, but hides behind excuses like “it hurts the developer.” The game comes out on Friday. A leak a week before a game comes out is supposed to harm Bethesda how exactly?

Likely an unpopular opinion here, especially for actual The Witcher fans, but the show probably would have worked better as more of a “monster of the week” serial in the vein of The X-Files. Sure, there was an overarching story there, but it served as connective world building, not the muddily presented driver.