Many things I say and write are dumb.
Many things I say and write are dumb.
Thanks for the in depth reply from you too.
Yeah I agree, the designs and technology were neat. Striking even. Really neat. It just I guess I was expecting a bit more in terms of visual design (or should I say a bit less? More subtle things). I guess the tribal look infused with technology clashes a bit for me in a…
I’m not... But I guess the people who made this movie are?
Hey, thanks for the quite in depth reply.
Maybe I was a bit too poignant with my comment, it’s not that bad. he klingon contradiction is much worse Star Trek (hence the name), but my original point remains. I just didn’t like both the visual design as much and I found odd that they have such warrior-like culture in…
No of course not. But along with a technological advancement you tend to get more level and peaceful existence where traditions, if carried over, tend to evolve into vague symbolic gestures which get removed from their original context. You know, handshake, ladies first, etc. have very different origins from how they…
I’ll wear my necropants proudly!
Striking and neat visual designs, but the Wakanda of the Black Panther suffers from the Klingon contradiction.
“...The movie starts... And I start to see things I recognize.”
Japan triumphs with 2D girls, even when it’s in 3D.
What about a Gnop movie?
There was Halo Wars 2? I totally wiped the existence of that game from my mammaries.
Sorry you’re right. Oh yeah. They’ll never do that. It’s one translation for the “rest of the world” and that’s it... I argue that aspect should be taken into account when making a translated version, which in this case they did not. Sure it would be nice to get Europanized version, but then you’d also need a South…
Joke which is originally from Spaced
Yeah. But now I’d be looking up Jets and Patriots, instead of Tigers and giants. Which would now being two steps removed from the original meaning. So my point being that then why change it at all? (I’m not even sure that Jets and Patriots are that well known sports teams in the first place. I mean, New York Yankees…
I’m being annoying? I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intent.
Hey, European here... What are the Jets and Patriots?
No I don’t think so. I just started playing this game very recently, and it was the first thing I tried to fix. I just want some calm weather moments to appreciate the windy ones... There is one mod that is mentioned in the article which seems to change wind in all weather conditions and places. Which is not what I…
Chinese underwater ghost base.
It really looks good and all, but what a weird name. Röki. The developers seems to be American or British, so I don’t know what they’re going with that name. Seems somewhat remotely scandinavian, especially with the setting.