They finally did it...
They finally did it...
Partly? It always was kinda vague as of why it was on hiatus. One apparent reason was that of a health, and other was because the earthquake of japan.
Well, shit.
Howcome you’re allowed to show the red cross in movies and in TV then? Why not in video games? They both are entertainement, are they not?
This just in: A video game developer is working on a video game. Stay tuned for more information as the situation develops.
Oh yeah, I’m running the beta client... Every time I forget that that little detail when issues with Steam arise.
You are doing a valuable work! The Cut-Content Police and The Framerate Police are the two of the most important informative curators I follow on Steam. Too bad the latter seems to have died down a bit (along with the Cynical Brit Gaming one)...
I was listening a panel about game development from the main game designer of Colossal Order (Cities Skylines). And she said that they don’t allow people to crunch. The recognise that relaxation and recovery is as important for the development as the work done on the game itself. And if anyone tries to stay…
For some inexplicable reason I thought for a moment this article was talking about Ash from the Evil Dead. I was really confused.
They didn’t?.. Bungie severed away from Microsoft with it’s staff more or less fully intact. It was Destiny and Bungie’s own lead that drove the people away.
Well you know. It takes time to tear out all of that pesky Japanese audio and replace it with English dubbing. You have to make sure that none of it is left on the final product. We wouldn’t want that.
That’s not true. You read it.
I’d rather have nothing! -To borrow of the repertoire of one Patrick Boivin from the best friends play.
I’ve taken a hard-line stance against censorship. Any form of censoring means “no buy” and “no support” to me. Simply because the path of censorship is a slippery slope indeed. At one moment its “removing the sexual…
18: There’s a lot of porn of it... Like a lot.
I miss Westwood...
I have, we don’t talk about that...
The worst part about Hunger Games is that it’s not even that good when compared to Battle Royale. I mean I would not mind the rip-off it was good, but it’s worse in pretty much every aspect (except for the budget).
That’s not true. Someone read it... You did.