In Japan? They have a bit different gun control when compared to, say USA... And crime rates.
In Japan? They have a bit different gun control when compared to, say USA... And crime rates.
My problem with the soundtrack isn’t that it’s not good. It actually is. My problem is that in the movie the soundtrack was mixed too far into the background. It rarely rose to the front in the film. Mostly it was droning in the background... Which is really shame, some times you sould allow the music to come through…
As snow goes, that type is the worst... The wet slush. Eugh.
Maybe one day we’ll get a Body Slide mod for male figures as well with the appropriate sliders for penis size adjustment. Finally I’d get to replicate my own into the game... It’d be really small tho.
I can afford to buy Oculus Rift, and a PC to run it... The problem is that after doing so I could not afford anything else. Including food, or rent, or electricity...
Don’t worry, Bamco’s going to do the same treatment for God Eater 2 western release... English voices only! So replace your onigiris with hamburgers and get ready to listen some lackluster delivery and botched names, cause GE2 is a-coming.
“The biggest, most awful, most tragic event in human history.”
That’s me! I’m most niche jRPG fan! I also alraedy happen to own Vita already... Oh.
“Machines making machines. How perverse.”
I... I’ve done some horrible things in my time...
Something about little girl and a tentacle monster. That’s enough for me.
Mirrors are more fun than television.
Holy! I’m European and I can view it... And Americans can’t? ... This is like the opposite day! So bizarre.
The only thing I bought from the sale was Akiba’s Trip (See, I’m a hidden pervert so I didn’t call it Akiba Strip). Haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but am looking forward getting to it soon. That game does not like to go on sale much. And at €18 it was still tad steep, but I’m sure it’s worth it.
Oh what? Did he got Sheev’d? :D
I don’t know if it’s just me, but I never imagined Forerunners being these monster faced drooling creepy Voldemort brutes. I always somewhat imagined that if we’d ever see them, they’d be these tall and slender and kind of regal beings that awake awe.
In addition to what you said, I don’t think there was any story left to be told in the Halo universe after the events of Halo 3. That game pretty much tied all the ends into a neat bow. At least not the events in the galaxy wide scale that Halo games are usually known for. All the extra lore they wrote after Bungie,…
But that’s the problem. Chief is hardly a character to begin with. He always was this almost blank slate that only is meant to act as the player intermediate. And even in the books they avoided giving any character traits to him to not mess with that concept too much. But to now try to change it and make him into a…
Actually Gopher will most like do the same he did before, eg. hud that hides elements when not needed. The SkyUI in skyrim was done by another person alltogether... That’s the mod that fixes all the menus in Skyrim.
Hey it’s that pool! ...That pool.