
That last part I’m okay with. But it’s a shame we also loose some of the geopolitical commentary also. They’re not saying the country names for example, which made the firefight at the onsen spa kinda hard to understand for those who have not read the manga.

Both. Haven’t personally read the books, but from what I gather reading people’s comments about them, they both are much more adult oriented.

You’ll never cool enough to tuck your sweater into pants! Never!

The most glaring flaw of this anime is that compared to it’s source material, it is neutered. There is a lot more rape and mutilation in the story that was cut from the anime. Which is shame, because now it looses a lot of the vicious setting, and thus the anime becomes more kid friendly in the expense of the

You could do a similar article about anime and video games as well, especially for us males who usually get the short stick when it comes to fashion. Bunch of neat and pretty easy to achieve fashion styles do exist where one can draw inspiration from.

You see. I’m actually the opposite to others here. Nvidia has always given me problems, while as AMD has been always fairly painless experience. The only two cases of negative experiences I’ve had with AMD have been with the Alice: Madness Returns where the lack of PhysX caused pretty bad stuttering at places. Had to

Being a native speaker of language that does not have gender-specific pronouns at all, I tend to every now and then forget that English is a language that uses them. It’s troubling when you’re speaking (in English) of a person whose gender is not known. I often make the mistake of defaulting to “he” and not realize

The story is nothing new really. You have your System Shocks and whatnots, that delve into that same topic or robotics and humanity. But in my opinion SOMA does it the best by a long margin. It knocks all competition out of field.

Aryan: Isolation is part of the famous Aryan series. Aryan, Aryans, Aryan 3, Aryan: Resurrection... etc.

As someone who’s grown fairly desensitized to horror games (or is it just that the Horror genre sucks now?) I’m glad that there are still some horror games that make my palms sweaty, knees weak and arms heavy. The aforementioned Aryan: Isolation is one of those games that manages to make me a bit scurred at times.

No, that one is FREE! You hear that Fromsoft/McGee? That one is free!

I feel like American McGee should team up with Hidetaka Miyazaki / Fromsoftware (of the Dark Souls fame) to create the ultimate Alice -game.

Oddest, but the most unappreciated is that when you have not commented in a while and you get that little blue number when someone stars your old(er) comment.

It’s explained alright, but it’s still dumb. Here I am now picturing Homo heidelbergensis piloting a spacecraft.

I know. It’s really dumb isn’t it?

No. I read the books and whatnot else (before I gave up). And somehow I feel that made it even worse... I mean not the Nylund books or such from Bungie days, those were great. No I mean the “newer” Greg Bear books that set up Halo 4 -lore. God awful garbage those were. There is a constant story narrative between Halo

VR is like the Matrix. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the VR is. You have to see it for yourself.

That’s not a backflip, that’s a backflop.

You know what I think it is? ...It’s stupid.

Kinda transparent if you ask me. I mean at least no one knows that my real name is Mika. Unlike...