
I don’t think he’s related to Trump. And how do you know that the woman in that photo isn’t a prostitute?


Yep, it seems like a false choice. There is no way a budget could be that tight. They were probably better off not starting the poll.

It’s not really a legitimate question when it’s phrased as add girls or make the game itself better. Especially when the sum total of that customization is changing the shadow.

Wish people would seek out and spread some of that love to smaller, genuinely nice streamers instead of screaming for attention at the assholes. I’ve watched so many AWESOME streams from people with 5 viewers who deserve the love, and seen huge streams from people who are sitting there legit begging for donations and

If Football—that is, the American National Football League football—used the same naming scheme as “Dungeons &

Can’t win the ass lottery if you don’t buy an ass ticket.

Say what you will about Philadelphians, but the I EAT ASS guy had the courage to shoot his shot, and I for one applaud him for it.

Shit, can you imagine how goddamn annoying Boston fans would be if they had been nuked too?

You either haven’t read the article, which explains that the accent is not the racist part, or you have and are making a bad-faith argument to misconstrue the author. Either way, do better.

No, you gotta throw the whole thing out.

He’s like the Chris Cillizza of sports.

But if you manage to get ahead of the opposition by the end of the third quarter, it’s absolutely essential that you stay ahead of them at the end of the fourth quarter. Too many teams fail to do that, and they’re sorry for it later.

“Thanks a lot, Captain Obelisk.”

I cannot wrap my head around my someone would want to live on a gravel road rather than a paved road (which appears to be what the Ferentzes are most pissy about). Gravel roads suuuuuuck. They’re dirty and rough and full of ruts. They develop deep potholes in the same places over and over. They’re murder on your car.

He tried to be Weinstein Jr. by coercing a woman in to silence and she didn’t want to have any of it. Good for her.

(presumably after some failed blackmail shakedown)