
For a second I thought you were referencing Donald Trump Jr.

A lot of the older “pro wrestling moves” are actually based on legit wrestling and/or jiu-jitsu moves; they just modify them so they don’t hurt that much. The version that Jericho uses aka the “Walls of Jericho” aka the “Boston Crab” isn’t quite so painful, he keeps his opponent’s legs higher up so doesn’t apply

Boo! I love Fallout Tactics. It is great.

“A Keeper of Common Knowledge offers their wisdom when you need it least. They are bursting with things no person could possibly not know, and it spills out at the slightest relevance. They might insert themselves into a discussion about pro wrestling only to explain it’s fake. If you make eye contact with them at a

But the thing is, she probably genuinely believes that it is. The same way that she genuinely believes that Jesus was 6'2" with blond hair and blue eyes.

Hey guys, nothing to see here with health care and North Korea.

His job is to play football, not fall in line for a dumb song that has shit to do with football.

Try not believing in stereotypes?

I asked for a comparison image, but as these posts are never really updated, I found one that I stole to post here.

It’s “lede,” not “lead.” Glass houses, and all that.

When a real man sees another real man, a real man like Billy Bush, he’s just gotta make sure he impresses the fuck outta that man. All you betas won’t understand the unbridled realness of what I just said. Which makes sense. Because you’re poors. Anyway, reading is for cucks.

I never thought we’d be here, but, congratulations to the Detroit Lions on making a smart personnel move.

The Falcons don’t have a ring though

I’m sure this is all well and good for him, but if he really wants to make the Olympic Ski Team, might I suggest he practice skiing instead?

Not sure what you guys are getting at but the fine citizens of LA have always supported the NFL. Hell, look how many Angelenos showed their support for the very first Super Bowl. 

Also being hit by a bunch of unwanted pitches right now? Equifax customers.

the jurors for this case are going to be paid more than SB Nation site managers

Is this like one of those bad beatnik poems that we’re supposed to snap our fingers at, or do you guys still prefer the rhythmic slapping sound of applause?

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.