
What goes in a burrito?

STAR 4 Crotch

"a disillusioned public defender who brings criminals who have escaped the system to justice"


Shaolin Baseball

Oh indeed.

Go away JV Rovell.

it's not even a slideshow


You forgot Twitchy.com, Michelle Malkin's conservative version of twitter. Which makes no sense, I guess it's twitter but weird twitter can't troll her. I don't know I'm not nuts.

The World Anti-Doping Agency limit for marijuana is 150 ng/ml so good for the NFL.

this is cool and good


Reno v. Albuquerque? Who peed in the above-ground pool?

ugh Lake Flacid

Shooting corpse in face Batmann

Do some squats Murphy.

Those side buttons were hell.

That earpiece she wears just plays smooth jazz all game.

While they work it out, Fields will take the warterboys out for pizza on Saturday afternoons. They will be heavily questioned by TCU after Fields drops them off. This will color their relationships with colleges throughout their adulthood and they will settle for a pretty Christian school who they don't love, but