Asian porn +1
Asian porn +1
Damn! So close! "BurritoDick". What a tool. Cockamole or Refried Peens wins the day.
I think it's something less creative like "DickTaco" or something
Dude, you just described my (sad and pathetic) life. I feel like I'm no longer alone in the world.
That makes me feel a little better, thank you. I read this site everyday to attempt to undue any sexist views that have been unwillfully forced on me by my misogynistic family. There are very few left but I still feel like this site and the commentariat help me be a more understanding, more sensitive guy. So thank you…
HAhaha!!! Dude, don't troll so hard. That just sounds ridiculous. I did get a good laugh out of that one, though. Thanks :)
We are. I don't go a day without seeing something that makes me ashamed to be a man. I'm sorry for the things we do.
Or they were developing Stockholm Syndrome. But the media sucks so you're probably right.
:Starts slow clap, single tear rolls down cheek: Comedy gold. +1
Oh, I got it the first time. It's just that Spanish is a different language entirely and considering we (the English-speaking "we") co-opted that word FROM Spanish they don't have to change shit. It would be like the Spanish expecting us to change the word "black" if they have used it as their equivalent of the…
You're a special kind of idiot, huh?
I hope you're high. Cuz if not, you just said some dumb shit.
BOOM! +1
I generally don't eat meat of protected/endangered species. I also make it a habit to not eat the top predator in an eco-system (their meat probably isn't very tasty, high ratio of muscle to fat and all). But if you got some Dodo, I'm down like a clown.
Barry, we get it. You hate Boston. You don't have to keep slapping us in the face with it.
Oooooff. That's so perfect it's staggering. +1
Yeah cuz they make SO MUCH MONEY. They must have a staggering sense of entitlement. How audacious do you have to be to want to see the event to which you are describing live as it goes on.
So since I rent an apartment (and a fucking nice one at that) I am unworthy of the chance to date you? Whelp, dodged that bullet. Ever think about the fact that having a partner makes it much easier to get things like a house? And a much nicer one than a single person can get on average based on income alone. House…
Where the fuck do you live? Silverspoonsville, in White Privilege county? Why do people think it's so easy to get a fucking house? I rent the shit out of one but I'm 26 and haven't built up enough credit to get a loan. That's why having a partner helps. So you can, you know, get a house together.