
Boston, huh? I woulda thought people in The Bean were lying assholes. The more you know...

It's not ok to shame anyone for a legal activity that's not hurting you. Being fat fot fat people is also know as LIVING. You should try it some time. Might wanna take the chip off your shoulder first. Did a smoker hurt you? Show me on this cigarette where they touched you.

Nothing will ever be the same again. Thank you.

Drama queen.

It is wrong for me to feel like this story wouldn't have been posted if it wasn't about Lena Dunham? And if it is wrong, I squarely place the blame on Jez's constant and annoying coverage of everytime Lena takes a shit. See that?! I'm calling her by her fucking first name now!

Changed every 6 months? Man I got it good.

The adjective form of "jinkies", the popular Scooby-D00 exclamation.


Great stories, dude. I have to defend stoners a little bit though, seeing as how I am one and frequent video game stores under the influence of said stoning implement. I'm high, in public, quite often and I enjoy the shit out of it. It's no where near the same as being drunk so bad comparison. If I was stoned in

Anyone else smell bullshit in that story? *Sniff* *Sniff* Yep. Bullshit.

I couldn't have worded that more prefectly if I took a month. As a dude in a long term relationship, it's now just something we both enjoy doing together and our self-consciousness (we both have body issues, hers slightly worse than mine) has pretty much disappeared. You'll find a guy who will understand you sexually

That's a real site? Not a spoof on fashion sites? Good for your friend for making money on essentially making a garment that defeats the purpose of wearing the garment in the displayed position. People will buy anything. Did they make the names too? I especially liked "Speaker Humper" and the one inspired by

Boom. Agreed.

Better than Kyler or Izzabell but you're making her sound like an old lady right out of the gate. Maybe you'll get lucky and she'll be an "old soul" and it will fit her. Or you might get a hyper, full of energy forever type kid where the name would give a pre-impression of "bet that bitch is a wet blanket".

This is just fucking awful. No joke.

Duh. Think of the children! The children!

Animals ≠Humans. And I suck at math.

You mad, bro?