
Here's my question:

Like someone on Gawker said: we get it, J-Law. You are a down chick.

I hate all these "exs" shows. Stop defining yourself by who you once dated/married.

Torrei has been going on major media outlets rehashing her split from Kevin Hart and the fact that he cheated and is with another woman now. Yes, cheating is bad, but she's obviously creating a storm to promote her show. He responded on twitter, didn't say anything out of line or offensive and Jezebel is criticizing

Don't hang your dirty laundry in public.

What's with celebrities always live tweeting their fucking personal business? Now that I think of it, I have some Facebook "friends" who do the same. DON'T YOU PEOPLE KNOW HOW UTTERLY RIDICULOUS YOU LOOK AND SOUND? STOP IT. STOP IT NOW.

The point is that they SHOULDN'T go to college so they don't take their rapey tendencies to some college and ruin someone elses life.

we got a comedian up in here

I suspect most of them would probably freeze if they actually faced any danger. This rabid insistence on carrying guns usually means they're a coward. Having a gun doesn't change that. Or they'll be so damn scared they fire wildly and are more likely to hit innocent bystanders than the actual armed robber. Or misjudge

The fuck kinda world is this when restaurants have to tell people to leave their guns at the house? These fuckers are not going to stop any robberies.

I find the trend of asking celebrities/public figures you don't know to your prom or ball or what have you very irritating (especially if they do it publicly, like via a video - which adds a whole new level of creepy), but damn if that isn't the loveliest possible way to respond.

What's that saying about the best day of boat ownership being the day you sell it? Exactly.

Well, that's why many relationships end. Someone wants to fuck other people and both parties aren't okay with that, so the relationship ends. If you and your partner can't agree on terms, then it's over.

What a turdbrain! Open relationships are not a shitty scorecard.

My bullshit meter is going off on this one. Can't put my finger on whether it's just the girl setting him up to see all the panting interest in her on the same site — including happening to come across her at some pub with muscle-y person who decides to come over and talk about the "open thing"(?!!), etc., or the

Sounds like a Fetlife shill story to me, but whatever.

There are a few things about that letter which make me think some, much or most of it is not authentic, but I can't prove any of that so, for the sake of conversation, let's just assume the entire thing is true. That being agreed upon...

This is very clearly marketing for whatever the hell FetLife is, but don't let that get in the way of your righteous feeding frenzy.

Dear Penthouse....

Forget firing her, why hasn't she been arrested?