
I've recently adopted this point of view and it's so refreshing. Ideologues who think I'm a whore/apostate/lib-tard/whatever don't bother me anymore. Up until the point that they infringe on people's freedoms or advocate violence against others, I am A-Okay with them. It's easier on me if I'm not thinking defensively

So despite the 100s of excessive drinking game apps with no age restriction, the chat up line apps that serve no purpose than to fuel future douche-baggery... THIS GETS DENIED?

I'm really not surprised about this. Apple is notorious for really just not making sense in what they ban (apps like this) and what sticks around (plenty of knock offs of other games/apps).

Hm... You know, that's not a very good management style either way. It sounds like she was kind of ordering people around, as opposed to leading them.

I had a CEO at a company do that once. I quit two weeks later, and he was out within six months. Part of being a leader is justifying your actions and getting people on

Cool. I'll trade you for a dropbox link to the shots of my roommate's girlfriend's feet that I've been collecting on the sly.

That's nice.

Well at least you realize that you're wrong.

But seriously though, what you did was gross, creepy, and a violation of privacy. Just to let you know.

And if Kinja didn't hate me SO MUCH, I would post the picture of them that I sneakily took under the table in the kitchen.

Want me to not wear my shorts at capri-length? Fine, I won't. Always thought it was stupid anyway, why wear shorts if they're not short?

It's because Jews run Hollywood.


Somebody doesn't understand libel laws...

The real world calls, but I just wanted to say that you've presented a thoughtful, coherent position in all your posts. It's one I agree with in any ways. It's nice to see people are still able to present themselves in an intelligent and thoughtful manner. Maybe I was wrong that the Internet will doom us all.

Your approach makes sense to me. It's like trying to argue against the birthers or the people who think there's some BENGHAZI!! cover up. The women who think all men are rapists/mysonigist/whatever aren't going to change their opinions because the facts prove them wrong.


Umm, the guy is a rich black athlete! This is like blood in the water for Jezebel's audience!

We are most definitely missing words because there aren't any to put in there. For whatever reason Jezebel is trying super hard to make it look like these guys, and Kaepernick in particular, hurt this woman.

Could you PLEASE stop calling this a "sexual investigation"!? Not only is it one of the stupidest terms I've ever heard, it makes no sense because there have not been ANY allegations of sexual assault, abuse, or misconduct. At this point it seems like you are just trying really hard to make Colin Kaepernick a bad guy.