City of Cleveland — you may now begin your hopeless dreaming.
City of Cleveland — you may now begin your hopeless dreaming.
Best contact hitter since Rod Carew, at the very least.
Good thought, Mr Sheen
Great point! If 73% of SAHM areby choice, more than a quarter are not. Whether a tough economy or a cruel husband is responsible, we're talking about millions ofwomen unhappy with their lot. Something the entire society should care about.
Just wondering, how much listening to them have you done?
Just ignore me, dude. That's what I'll be doing to you. Take care.
I can't help but admire anyone — man or woman — who wants to stay at home and can figure out a way to make it work financially. But if, according to the article, only about 20% of SAHD are at home because they want to be, it doesn't seem to be happening all that often. Congrats to your brother-in-law.
I rather doubt feminism is to blame for men dropping out of the labor force. A globalized economy, an out-of-date educational system and a national disinterest in job re-training investment are the most likely explanations.
Why would you think I was writing about your brother-in-law? I thought it was obvious I was referring to this:
I'll take your criticism to heart. Thanks!
I'm sure you're correct.
I have an ex-girlfriend who posts here [under what name she will not say] who sends me links she wants my opinion on.
1. I didn't mention "all men." According to the story, only a fifth of men actually chose that path. In addition: "23 percent of fathers say they're home because they can't find a job; another 35 percent are sick or disabled." If you don't like stats, consider this.
I'm glad someone is amused!
Will do, thanks.
Most commenters will hate what I wrote, but be unable to contradict it so I predict you'll get lots of stars. ;)
I know the media love to hype every new lifestyle trend, but the only real trend I see here is a bunch of men dropping out of the labor force because the economy destroyed them. In some cases, that's their fault. In others, it's not. Their home is their prison. I get that it makes Jezebel moist to think of millions…
I agree with your point, but I disagree with this:
I'm confident I can speak for a sizable chunk of heterosexual men when I say that whatever Rihanna is doing, I like it. As you ladies are fond of writing, moar please.
Say what? I've seen a few pairs of tits I'd rather not see again.