
Yeah, I had to chuckle a bit when I read that size or shape of tits doesn't affect whether a man will orgasm. That's true for some men, but certainly not true for all. There is a reason men fantasize about Kate Upton or some Playboy Playmate while they're having sex with a woman.

I think all household appliances, especially those used in food preparation or consumption, should not be part of your sexual gratification rituals — unless you're the only person using that appliance.

Gay men.

This is the Internet, dude. I'm not trying to scare anyone. The author made a point. I made a counter-point. You don't like my counter-point. That's fine. And naturally I'm going to feel free. I'm certain I made that point more than once.

They think they're entitled. "You're a girl. I'm a girl. It's just harmless fun. It's like a Katy Perry song! I groped a girl."

Not, it's not.

I've been to plenty of concerts, too. Never had the opportunity to curb stomp some fucknut molesting a teenager. But twice I've straightened out people who were a bit out of control. Was never a big deal and far from starting a riot, the people nearby appreciated it. Most people go to concerts to have some good, clean

You're right, I'm not starting a riot. Just beating the shit out of the nearest pervert.

Um, I don't know. I think sometimes violence IS the answer. Or, at least, is is one of several possible answers.

These stories are almost always about concerns administrators have, not boys. Boys get blamed for hangups that adult men and women have — and their desire to police the lives of teenagers. I was in high school 15 years ago. Saw bra straps multiple times a day, every single day. Never cared once. And I never heard or

These rules are all about prudish adult men and women. I was a kid in high school 15+ years ago and I saw visible bra straps every single day. So did every other boy in school. I never cared. Not even once. Nor did I ever hear any boy speak about a visible bra strap.

Considering there are about 11.7 quadrillion places on the Internet where a woman can show her bare breasts, the fact that she cannot do it on Instagram doesn't make much of an impact on me. I'm pretty sure Scout Willis can borrow a few bucks from her mom or dad to set up her own domain and publish as many photos of

Give it a shot. I'm pretty sure she will.

Bingo! 20 Internet points to you. That goes double for video.

Shes probably not looking for a boyfriend on Jezebel, especially if all that person knows about her is that she has done the dishes naked.

Consider speaking to a lawyer about it. You can present your soon-to-be-ex-husband with papers requiring him to destroy or hand over all compromising images of you.

I don't understand why people allow photos of themselves in the nude or other compromising situations to escape their control. I've had at least half a dozen girlfriends ask for photos of me in the nude — either of my entire body or just, uh, one specific part of it. NEVER. GONNA. HAPPEN.

If Steve Ballmer bid $1.8 billion for the LA Clippers, its clear Microsoft should have forced him out a long time ago. Early onset dementia is no joke.

If you don't want children, you probably shouldn't have any. They're expensive, time-consuming and often they just plain smell odd.

People often ask what the meaning of life is. The answer is Children.