
If these gun massacres — which we, as Americans, must endure with almost clockwork regularity — are intended to create a good environment for gun control legislation, it isn't working. In December 2012 a mentally-disturbed kid shot up a school, murdering 20 children ages 5-6 and Congress did nothing. Most states that

So you're pretty much like almost every other heterosexual woman. Well, E! has got just the show for you. [See above.]

If it involves Glenn Beck in any way, it will have the sexual sophistication of a donkey.

I make no comment on the value of any of these ideologies. I'm not particularly ideological myself, though anyone would recognize my politics as left of center [in America, at least].

You obviously know a lot more about this subject than I do because I didn't understand that at all.

I think one of the points I made above is that ideologies can be extremely mutable, particularly when they interfere with our pleasure. That's where terms like oppressor class are particularly useful. You can do anything you like to the oppressor class. It is not possible to sin against members of the oppressor class.

Oddly enough, the audience for that show was mostly female. I never watched it, but dated plenty of women who never missed an episode.

I'm a fanatical 20 percent tipper. I never tip less than that even if the service was dreadful. If the service is good, I write a quick note on the receipt, praising the server.

Depends on who you're asking. If you're asking at Jezebel, I think you already know the answer.

I made no attempt to justify it, only explain it. I'm a man. It's not my job to justify women objectifying and/or exploiting men.

Jezebel is passionate in its opposition to exploitation of women. Quite recently in an article about encouraging men to wear shorter shorts, a woman bragged that she'd secretly taken a photo of a man's legs because they turned her on. She wanted to post this photo on Jezebel, but couldn't figure out how to do it. She

I know plenty of women who loathe female strippers. I'll bet you do, too.

They probably resent male strippers for turning them on. People can be very ambivalent about their own desires and rather than deal with them, they project their lack of comfort on to the object of their desire.

It's only exploitation if the person watching it doesn't like what he or she sees. If he or she does like it, it's not exploitation. That's the golden rule of exploitation.

Of course E! wouldn't air a show like "Women of the Strip." E! is a network aimed mostly at women and gay men.


If you want the Olympics in your town, you're doing it wrong.

High fructose.

The walks are long and intended to wear us out. The trick for me is to listen to tech and sports podcasts while walking. Relieves some of the boredom. Also, I wear one of those exercise bracelets all the time and it motivates me to walk farther by mocking me for having taken less than 20,000 steps today. Apparently, I

Same thing happened to me. Switched from sugar soda to zero calorie soda and dropped 10 pounds in a month. Made no other dietary or exercise changes.