Half the subjects were straight? Well, that seems about right. 50% of all men are gay, right?
Half the subjects were straight? Well, that seems about right. 50% of all men are gay, right?
The story is accurate if this is your life:
I can't believe I'm throwing cold water on a study appearing in "the galactic leader in gay sports."
The most overrated film of all time. By far.
Good luck keeping this story down. CNN refuses to discuss anything else and every time they do a story about the Malaysian flight, their ratings spike. So more to come.
Freedom is the only way, Short Round!
If he's taking you to breakfast it also probably means he doesn't get laid that often so you're probably safe even if you were both too drunk to remember the condom. [That should never happen, but I know it does. I don't drink so it isn't a problem for me.]
If a man is doing the walk of shame correctly, he need announce nothing.
Exactly. I'm always prepared with good bottled and face wipes. Even cotton balls, though I have no use for them and I have no idea what women do with them. I've got 'em because I lived [platonically] with two women during law school and learned cotton balls are something that women seem to like.
But is that necessarily a good thing. Guys might have been giving you those things in the hope that you'd leave ASAP and not call them. That's what I do. I can't be the only one. In fact, I know I'm not.
The only reasonable reading of what you wrote is that dogs could not be better than humans because dogs do those things. The obvious and irrefutable rejoinder is that humans do all those things and do them far more often.
Dogs are nicer people than people are. If you feel soooo strongly that bonds like this aren't possible or preferable to 87282937923 Facebook friends, well, I just feel bad for you.
Animals can be friendly. They can even be a friend. But they can't be better than humans.
When your pet can call 911 or take care of you after you come home from the hospital, for example, then I'll go along with the platitude of their being better than humans.
It's a cute meme. It's not true. Dogs will kill you, hurt you, turn on you.
Episode 74,826 in our ongoing series, Dogs are Better than People.
Nobody's judging the UK merely by the popular press. At least, I'm not doing it.
Yes, I found anti-Indian/Pakistani racism to be more obvious than any other when I lived in the UK.
Neither is country is awful. Both are fine countries and the people who live there have much to be proud of. I haven't been knocking the UK, just noting that homophobia and racism [and loathing of immigrants] is still a major part of the popular press. But from the time I live in the UK and the friends I made there, I…
America has gone backwards? We have national health care, got out of Iraq, budget deficits are falling rapidly and the economy is picking up. America has not gone backwards. That's absurd. Only the most blinkered, right-wing Tea Party nutjob would utter such a thing.