
A non-white Prime Minister in the UK is impossible and will be for some years. As for how Obama has been treated in the U.S., there is no doubt a huge amount of the irrational opposition to him is driven by racial animus. On the other hand, he did win two national elections quite handily, so...

There's a good chance we've had a gay president, but nobody knew. Well, some people know, but you'll never pry the name Grover Cleveland from my lips or fingertips. So just stop asking.

Those are the opinions of an educated political elite and not necessarily reflective of the population at large. Anyone who thinks Britain has evolved beyond homophobia need only read its many popular newspapers.

Yeah... I didn't actually write or imply any of that. You might want to get back on your lithium.

Brazil, you might have taken your love for soccer too far.

I don't have gaydar either. My best friend is gay and I had no idea until he told me over dinner before a Capitals game.

My gay friends beg to differ.

I know, right? Artistic criticism should NOT exist!

That's racist. Also sexist.

I was definitely getting a gay vibe from that evil honky record producer who is put in his place by J.Lo and her friends. Sent it to two gay friends of mine to see if they agreed. They did. Showing those gays who is boss! Edgy. Very, very edgy.

Hey, serenading bloodthirsty dictators is what paid for this video. If a few troublesome dissidents have to be boiled in oil or lined up against a wall and shot, that's a small price to pay for this kind of insightful social commentary. It's not like Jezebel knew any of those loudmouth central Asians who died for this

A lot of celebrity "charities" are like this. A relative of the celebrity runs the charity and draws a salary. And they use accounting tricks to hide other forms of compensation. Give to a celebrity charity at your own risk.

Maybe that list of Ms Lohan's refers to men she'd like to bang instead of men she's already banged. She was pretty hot at one time, but it's been years since she's been anything to look at. One would think most of those men could do better. A lot better. If it is a list of actual conquests, I'll bet most of them took

You say to-may-to...

There might be black voters in his district, but I'll bet not many of them have been voting for him. And, after this, that'll be down to zero.

They're assholes who are white people. It's important white people — like myself — keep that in mind.

I'm not racist against white people. I'm a white person myself. I'm so white I'm practically the King of Honkies. That guy is a racist. I, and lots of other people, pointed that out. I, and many other people, also drew the obvious connection between a white Republican making racist jokes and the fact that he is, you

How does he not see that this is terrible idea?

Happy to help and educate.