
The point is that one must be consistent on the subject of biology. Many women argue, for example, that they should have the right to determine whether or not to terminate a pregnancy because the fetus is in their body. That's biology, after all. I agree with that argument. Biology puts the fetus in the woman so she

Agreed on all counts.

I've never seen The View, but I can only assume anyone — literally — can get on that show.

I'm sure you will. Have fun and don't forget your tomahawk.

I hope he's cleaning up that mess at the bottom of the cliff.

First rule to learn about life in this bad old world: Not everyone can be helped or saved.

If you have to ask that question, you wouldn't understand the answer.

"GOP minority outreach" for the winner.

This is definitely going to fuck somebody over pretty badly

To study the history of the human race is to learn that people generally prefer quick and easy over long and difficult. Orgasm machines and sex robots will sell like mad once they become viable commercial products.

Agreed. I spent a crapton of money on elite law school. My parents spent a crapton on an elite college for me. Looking back, we could have probably spent a lot less on my higher education and I'd be exactly where I am right now. I have a job I like a lot and it pays very well, but I have the feeling I could have done

The notion that fairness is men spending as much on one pair of boxer briefs as women do on both bras and panties is stupid. Women typically wear two garments. Men typically wear one. That's no more unfair than a thousand other biological realities.

Underwear for genitals = underwear for genitals.

I agreed with his notion that paying $25 for a simple pair of underwear was absurd.

I've thought for some time that technology would solve a lot of the problems people have with the opposite sex. [Or the same sex, if they are homosexual.] Once the orgasm machines and sex robots become viable as mainstream commercial products, a lot of this pairing off shit is going to end. Many people may find that

I didn't write that bras are not underwear. I wrote that a bra is not an apt comparison to, say, boxer briefs. That's a point so obvious it should be evident to the meanest of intellects.

Seriously. Maybe there are dudes out there demanding all sorts of elaborate underwear for women, but I've never spoken to them. Most dudes I know are like me — we're interested in what's under the underwear. I've slept with plenty of women who had fancy underwear, but I always assumed they wore it for themselves. I'd

Definitely with you there. I get my boxer briefs from Costco. I think it's $10 or $11 for three. Works for me.

I'm a fanatic about clean underwear. My boxer briefs are sparkling white or I chuck them. And as far as underwear is concerned, that's all I've ever brought to the table. So far, no complaints about that.