Yeah, that [above] is the future of fashion. Of course it is. This time next year all us guys will be walking around with giant bronze-colored eggs attached to our bodies.
Yeah, that [above] is the future of fashion. Of course it is. This time next year all us guys will be walking around with giant bronze-colored eggs attached to our bodies.
This man stayed with this woman for ten years? Ten years with a certifiable lunatic with the grammar skills of a 7-year-old? He's got the patience of a saint, though most saints probably transmit fewer STDs.
Of course you are. I didn't say gays would find Ellen bland, simply that I do. But I don't expect gays to have a monolithic view of Ellen either. When I go out to dinner with my gay friends I'm the one who picks the restaurant because they can't agree on where to go. Life's a rich tapestry.
Ah, you're just not an Ellen fan then. My sympathies because I suspect you're in a distinct minority among Oscars fans. [And on Jezebel you're practically an endangered species. Don't assume they won't hunt you anyway.] Crystal and Jackman would also be fine choices, since they're safe, offend no one and won't make…
I hear you, but that's their reply to anyone who wants to change the show from what it is. I'm fine with it. I can't bear to watch more than a few minutes of it. My sister says the Oscars is the Super Bowl for women and gay men. If that's the case, it's okay by me. Everyone should have their own Super Bowl. I find the…
The reason the Oscars want her is because she's meh. They'd never hire Gervais because of what he did at the Golden Globes and they'll never hire Chris Rock again because he made fun of the greatest and most important human beings in the history of life on this planet — movie stars. Ellen won't make fun of anyone,…
Blandness is what the most fans of the show want. The only people Ellen will offend are the people who wouldn't watch anyway because they hate all "them HollyWEIRD queers."
"[E]ye brow raising" is a very kind way to put it. It's one thing to oppose air strikes against Syria. I do. Most Americans do. It's quite another thing to go the extra mile for Bashar Assad, as Kucinich did. For example:
You're for Jerry Brown, the Democrat who loves the flat tax? Okeedoke.
Dennis Kucinich is a disgraceful apologist for some of the worst tyrants on the planet. I can't believe there are still progressives tooting his horn. Google Kucinich and dictator. See what comes up. He's a hired hand for thugs.
HRC is not the worst. She's certainly not the best, if you think she's the worst, you need to spend more time studying politics. She's not even close to the worst. She's not even close to the worst in the Democratic party.
Plenty of us to the left of HRC are plenty suspicious of her, you got that right.
If it is to be a woman I'd prefer Elizabeth Warren, but that's not going to happen.
I guess they don't have divorce in Surrey. Or grocery stores.
It wouldn't be a good move for them, but they're not literally claiming they were blackmailing Lawson. [That's just my interpretation of what they were doing and what their assertions amount to.] The Grillo sisters would say they reached an amicable agreement with Lawson that allowed them to spend lots of money that…
Perhaps he believed it at one time. Saatchi is ferociously opposed to drug use. It could be when he was shown or discovered evidence of drug use by his ex-wife, he over-reacted, something he has been known to do. To be fair, knowing Saatchi, he probably extracted a no-drug-use promise from Lawson during or before…
The Crown is bringing the charges because of the criminal complaint by Lawson and Saatchi. No complaint, no charges.
I'm saying that the article [or column] is absurd because it is all speculation. Which is generally not considered journalism among respectable people.
That article you linked to is pretty much all speculation, isn't it? Well, that's the Tory-graph for you. Fortunately, the Telegraph and Daily Mail are not the British press. More accurate to write that some parts [the seamier parts] of the British press are doing what you allege.
I have a incredibly spoiled 4-year-old niece that I adore and I have struggled buying stuff for her. I generally just ask her mom, my sister, what my niece wants and then I just buy her the most expensive version of whatever it is. Buying the love of children works and I am not ashamed to do it. That little girl may…