
Yup! I've already lost interest.

Thanks for the diagnosis, doc. :)

I buy all my groceries. Of course I do. Who the hell else is going to do it? I have had a couple of women come up to me and say something like:

Hard to believe effort is being put into studies such as this one.

Retracted a comment after it got 36 [and counting] recs. I love it. :)

Goes without saying

Recent poll indicates about 70 percent of men would use birth control if it was made available to them. Obviously, not talking about condoms.

I didn't mention the sheriff so I'm not sure why you are. I think we're done here.

Okay, that's fine. I passed the bar. I think we're done here. Bye.

"I can't... judge your personal preferences, because everyone has different life experiences."

I'm on a petition to pharma companies to produce one. There are technical issues involved in male birth control that are not present in female birth control. There are some promising developments in India, though.

No, you're not understanding. It is not uncommon for prosecutors to get involved in the investigation. The fact that this prosecutor did not only speaks to the need for the special prosecutor who WILL get involved in the investigation.

Male birth control.* Want it. Would use it.

Yeah, that's not what you've been doing. You've been sticking up for the girlfriend. Which is your right, of course, but it is too late to find religion now. A person who is miserably unhappy and is thrown a bone once a week by his otherwise uncaring girlfriend:

No, prosecutors are involved in investigations all the time. They will even talk to witnesses and other persons of interest. The notion that they just pick up whatever is dumped on their desk by the police is absurd. Too much Law&Order TV shows.

No plans at all in that direction.

That's an extremely generous way of looking at it. Seems to me the OP was clearly indifferent to her boyfriend's unhappiness.