
The OP seems pretty clearly indifferent to the unhappiness of her boyfriend. That's her right, of course, but I don't see why he should be unhappy because it suits her for him to be so.

Guilty as charged!

I'm sure it is wonderful for you. Congratulations. I wish you a lifetime of it.

It is not a matter of discarding a person. Just because I stop having sex with someone does not mean I am discarding them. I remain friends with several former sexual partners. But I see no reason to continue having sex with someone if I don't enjoy it. I owe everyone I meet fairness and honesty. I don't owe them sex.

I'm in my early 30s. It's certainly possible my views will change. Life is funny like that. I can't speak for the future, though. This is how I am right now.

No, as I've stated repeatedly, my point was that someone who feels shitty most of the time, according to the girlfriend, is probably very unhappy and should make some pretty big changes in his life. I have a feeling that opinion would not be so controversial if the genders were reversed.

Attention Whore seeks attention.

Some lawyers love being as inside that world as possible. Their friends are lawyers. Their spouses are lawyers. They like law-related entertainment. That may or may not apply to your boss. Obviously, I go as far in the other direction as possible.

I agree entirely. I've found that many readers of this website tend to prefer men to be very traditional when it comes to sex. Not necessarily virgins, but they definitely prefer men to be strictly monogamous and they tend to be very harsh with men who do not live that lifestyle. Women who are more sexually

Yeah, I know, I'm a lawyer myself. But this is a highly-charged situation. The political pressures will be far smaller, but the attention this case is receiving is not necessarily conducive to neat and tidy investigations.

Nah, I just opined that anyone should try to do better than being miserable all the time. I'm one of those assholes. :)

That's precisely the situation I am in, Gregory. Hence my comment about convenience. And it's worse in my case since I won't use dating or hookup sites. So it is work. Fortunately, I have legendary self-control and am very good at channeling those urges into productive endeavors.

I understand that, but prosecutors are part of the investigation and part of what needs to be examined here. I find the prosecutor's unwillingness to take the case further inexplicable and the explanations deeply wanting.

Well, if you read my comment you can see how I allowed that the onanistic life is far more convenient than mine. But masturbation is dull to me. And it's not because I don't know how to do it. Pretty sure I've got a handle on that, so to speak. I just don't get any enjoyment from it. I like the real thing and only the

You do? I don't. Hopefully, this special prosecutor will get to the truth quickly so the only narrative that matters will be the one that accurately describes what actually happened.

Of course it is. I'm not attempting to alter anyone's life for them. I'm simply opining that someone who "feels shitty...most of the time" should probably think about making a few changes.

This isn't my sort of show, so I won't be watching it, but I do like J. Garofolo. Both for her politics and for her brilliant turn on The Larry Sanders Show. [I have a feeling there was very little acting required of her for that role, but it was still funny every time.]

Ah, understood. Will do. I'm not exactly a Jezebel regular so I'm not familiar with all the wildlife. Love the photo reference, though. Classic episode.

Yup! :)

Hmm. I think you and I read different stories. Or read the same stories differently.