
Smoking is poison. People who smoke are ingesting poison. This poison is bad for your health and, contrary to industry flacks, it is also bad for the health of those around you. And it is bad for the future happiness of your family when you die early from lung cancer or have your tongue and jaw removed because of

"Hey, let's treat each other like human beings" isn't unfair. It's just dull and uninformative. That's how you know it is wankery.

Not by me, he isn't. He's a slacker if he isn't pulling his own weight, whatever that is. He's a slacker if he isn't trying as hard as his partner. And a slacker who resents his or her partner's success? Loathsome.

Yeah, that's absolutely correct. I live not far from you — the MD suburbs of DC — and it's true here, too. And it's true pretty much everywhere. "Your paycheck does not define you" is one of those things that sounds great, but doesn't happen in real life. It's not as simple as gold-digging. That's far too simplistic

Certain members of the media are certainly doing their best to keep it that way.

I don't really disagree with any of that, since it all just amounts to be nice to people and treat them equally — stuff everyone agrees with, but many struggle to do in their day-to-day lives. But any man who needs Jezebel or NY magazine to tell them how to be a man should throw himself off a cliff.

Yeah, you're right - - you're fucked. My condolences.

"In a red state (I grew up in a red, now purplish state and lived in red states most of my life), there is a deep gender/sexual hypocrisy. Men will be men and whores don't matter. There are other things (blacks, out of place women, gun control etc...) that they hate more.

Whew. Okay. Working backwards here.

It costs a "fuckton of money" to donate some of your time to charities? I'm a generous soul so I'll presume that was an attempt at humor. Good one, sorta.

It's not you. It's the Children of the Corn. And they're not here to make friends.

I know nothing about fashion and have nothing to add to the discussion in that way. I just wanted to mention that the top photo of a phalanx of gold-clad models marching toward me is rather disconcerting. Their beauty and lack of expression are giving off a sort of evil fembot vibe.

"you come out publicly across a number of media platforms to say that a long-time aide's personal romantic decisions are 100% irrelevant to a Clinton campaign, and that's that. "

Mr Weiner was up a bit in one or two polls months before the election, nowhere near the finish line. He had nowhere close to a majority in any polls, so he wasn't terribly popular. It's impossible to accurately forecast what might have happened if the second sexting scandal had not erupted.

Since you don't understand the context, I'm not surprised that you don't understand the situation. Let me lay it out for you. Senator Vitter was running as a conservative Republican in a deeply-red state for the U.S. Senate.

Right, but when did that happen? It happened in 1998, when Newt Gingrich had organized an entire Congressional election campaign around President Clinton's tawdry personal life. Newt Gingrich had been having office affairs for years and everyone knew it. Nobody cared until he and the rest of the GOP caucus decided to

This isn't about reasonable people. The title of the article is

Much of Bill Clinton's presidency was a lost opportunity. The point I'm making is that when Hillary Clinton began to pursue her own political career, in 2000, Bill Clinton was widely viewed as a popular and successful president. Even Republicans conceded he was popular, even if they did not believe he deserved to be.

Hillary Clinton may be sympathetic to Ms Abedin — I'm sure she is. But that's not an important part of her political calculus. The only issue that matters for the Clinton camp is whether or not Ms Abedin can help Hillary Clinton win the presidency and then excel in that job. All other considerations, including and

Precisely. Winners write their own ticket. If you understand only one thing about politics, that's the thing to understand.