
Hillary Clinton is a pragmatic politicians. She urged her husband to hire Dick Morris, not because she had any love for Dick Morris, but because she [incorrectly] viewed it as a move that would help her husband's presidency. She will do whatever she thinks is necessary — within the boundaries of the law — to

Right, but Bill Clinton's indiscretions didn't destroy his career, they destroyed Newt Gingrich's career. Bill Clinton left office with an approval rating north of 60 percent and he's still very popular today due to his Global Initiative and fond memories of the prosperity during his presidency.

If public opinion polls are to be believed, Hillary Clinton's political career benefited from her husband's sexual indiscretions.

Right, but we're not talking about slackers here. We're talking about slackers who resent your success and hold it against you. That person is a pathetic cretin. Is it really possible to like someone with that sort of personality? If so then you deserve everything you get.

I don't see the problem here. If Ms Abedin is serious about a career as an adviser to Hillary Clinton, she should rid herself of Anthony Weiner. Nobody, apart from Weiner himself, would blame her. Problem solved.

I'm not really hating on slackers. I'm not one myself and while I sometimes find them amusing in popular media, I don't really have any time for them in my private life. However, each person should be entitled to live his or her life any way they please, so long as it does not negatively affect the lives of others.

1. Why do you care what a loser thinks of you? Let him accuse you of anything he wants. If your behavior is determined by the false accusations of losers, you might also be a loser.

This begs the obvious question: Why do you have a slacker boyfriend? If you do, that's sort of on you, isn't it? I've never resented the success of anyone I was dating. Perhaps because I'm a good person or perhaps because I've never dated anyone more successful than myself. [The latter is true, I'd like to think the

I'm 32 and have never been in love. After reading all that, I think I'm on to something.

Is this supposed to correct the widespread belief that male celebrities like Jon Hamm fall out of bed, throw on a tux and show up to awards shows? Is there such a widespread belief?

Yellen is perfectly-well qualified for the job. Whether she'll be a good Fed Chair is another matter, but she's as qualified as most any of them.

Yellen has been on board with Bernanke's QE policy and they voted together again today. As usual, the only dissenter was Esther George, who continues to oppose the Fed's policy of $85 billion a month in asset purchasing because she's concerned about future inflation.

Larry Summers did not withdraw because he had his "man-feelings" hurt. [What are "man-feelings"? Are they just feelings felt by a man? If so, is the "man" part of "man-feelings" necessary since it is obvious that Larry Summers is a man?]

You can judge the merits of a person or an organization by the company they keep. Or, in this case, they don't keep.

"Put guns in a safe place just like the chemicals you use... fairly simple really."

No, I'm not in the habit of feeling smug about pointing out something that is in the public record. Seems a bit too easy, doesn't it?

Well, I got this extremist, conspiracy theorizing statement from more than a dozen public schoolteachers in the northeast while working on a story about a different topic. It could be that these teachers were extremist conspiracy theorists with a fondness for ad hominem statements, but most of them didn't know each

Nah, I'm the one who should be ashamed for engaging with a troll. Since I never used the words "entire populations" or "behaving like boys," but you put them in quotation marks in a lazy and deceitful attempt to make it seems as if I did, it's pretty clear I'm dealing with not just any troll, but an exceptionally

Right. So you think the company bribes doctors because it is NOT profitable to do so. And you think one prosecution and fine means there is no profit in it.