
Yeah, but those guys would probably want a cut of any profits they make out of this little venture. So these ladies are not just hacks and pervs, they're also cheap.

I do NOT trust the women I date. The only people I would trust with such an image are people who would never have such an image of me — my parents. You never know what people will do under certain circumstances. People who seem entirely normal can justify all sorts of ethical compromises, especially if they think

Yes, but this allows people to convince themselves they're not perverts, they're art connoisseurs. That's classier. Wait and see. They'll be doing brisk business.

I guess I should have used the Internet sarcasm font, eh?

80 percent seems a conservative estimate to me, but maybe you're right. Odds are pretty bad whatever the true number is.

Ditto, dude. About a dozen or so women have requested I send them photos of my junk. Never happened. Never gonna happen. Under any circumstances. Assume everyone making such a request is a pervert and/or talentless art student looking to make a splash.

Agreed. The fact that many of these men were deceived because the women specifically requested a photo or they were gay men led to believe they were communicating with another gay man is irrelevant. Feminism makes this okay.

I agree. Many of those men sent photos after the women requested it. Some were gay men who were led to believe they were communicating with another gay man.

This thing will be swamped with women and gay men. It'll be a gigantic success for the gallery, both in terms of traffic and notoriety.

Also, the ending was fantastic.

Oh, lay off. What's the matter with objectification? Everyone does it even if most of the people on this website won't admit it and get very annoyed if you quite reasonably point out that they are doing it. [And you weren't very polite about it.] Or they have some tortured and hilarious reason for why objectifying

No problem, fatty!

Just kidding. It's not that sad.

In general, I'm not in favor of more nudity on TV or film. Too often it becomes a crutch for bad storytelling. Anyone who has seen True Blood knows that. There's a show written by and for 8-year-olds. If it wasn't for the nudity, I can't imagine many people would watch it.

First of all, I'm a straight guy, too.

Good point! Bustin' into that gay market is the sweet spot, so to speak.

I'm a straight guy and it doesn't bother me in the least. He's making money off your lust, so perhaps it isn't his dignity that should concern you.

He stares at his bank account all day. That's why he looks so happy in the photos.

This dude has figured out how to make bank off of:

I don't really pay much attention to their appearance either, but servers tell me this is the case and I believe them. Never having worked as a waiter, I'm in no position to contradict them.