You bet it is a publicity stunt. Seems to have worked, too. Score another round for Hooters.
You bet it is a publicity stunt. Seems to have worked, too. Score another round for Hooters.
They couldn't remain in business if they let their waitresses get molested by the customers. Never been in a Hooters, but I imagine they've got a ferociously strict "look-but-don't-touch" policy. If not, they'd be buried in non-stop lawsuits.
They probably do.
What's the NYC Hooters policy on Anthony Weiner?
I hear that Hooters has very good chicken wings, but my WASP upbringing will not permit me to enter a restaurant to find out. Public ogling is just not in my DNA. When I walk past the huge Victoria's Secret store — with gigantic floor-to-ceiling mirrors facing the street — near my office I always make a point to…
Yeah, I have two gay friends who have done this. There is no way to tell what percentage of this woman's male client's are gay or straight. Doesn't really matter, but I do know gay guys who have done it, but don't know any straight guys who have done it. Or perhaps the straight ones are just more secretive about it.
This is what I'm talkin' 'bout, gents. If you have these photos taken, make sure you won't mind if all her friends and, perhaps, co-workers see them, too. 'Cause they will. And if you're cool with that, rock on, muchachos.
I know a couple of who have done this for each other. They're both gay men, which is probably not what you lay-deez had in mind...
Agreed. He seems to indicate she's been bothering him with unwanted contact. Maybe that's true, maybe it isn't. We don't have that information. At this point, obviously, he wants nothing more to do with her. Her response: make a private text public.
Thanks. You got what I was going for.
Hookup culture IS a real thing. I'm a part of it and it is fucking awesome.
No, but I get a nice warm feeling from them.
And that's why nobody eats at your place.
That attitude is why you never get invites to my place. Back to McDonald's with you!
Maybe so but at least my dishes are clean.
I'm a hetero man working in a field not historically associated with women. I always do the dishes. If a woman cooks dinner for me, I do the dishes. If I serve dinner at my house, I do the dishes. I always do the dishes.
I'm a middle child and I'm long past giving a crap about it because it doesn't matter anymore. Yes, middle children often get ignored or, in my experience, they have to put up with a ton of crap from their siblings because we mustn't criticize the eldest boy and we must always be gentle with our baby girl who weasels…
These people aren't too keen on men having sex either. They just don't like anyone who is having more sex than they are and since they're having no sex — or, at least, no good sex — they're pissed off at the world.
Smokers pollute all the time with their cigarette butts. It's disgusting. The street. The park. The beach.