Thanks, I'm often told I'm adorable. It's probably true.
Thanks, I'm often told I'm adorable. It's probably true.
Interesting how you wrote that you are excited every time someone you know goes into labor. I'll go out on a limb and guess you don't know Kate Middleton. But obviously you feel as if you do. Celebrity worship is remarkable.
Now, THAT would instantly make me care about this brat!
My interests are higher than this, certainly. That's a low bar to set, of course.
Why mock them for it? For the same reason I would mock people who watch The Kardashians. It has to be done because some of us are trying to have a civilization. Also, it's fun and that's probably the biggest reason.
No, royalty-worshippers are worse. And I don't "feel compelled" to make fun of monarchy and monarchy-worshippers. It's more like an occasional past-time and if it annoys the people who have nothing more important to care about, so much the better.
I might be able to tell if a woman was faking it, but I've never tried to find out. I do my best and it is either good enough or it isn't. And I'm usually willing to fulfill special requests.
Fake orgasms don't ruin everything. I figured out how to convincingly fake orgasms back in college and it does come in handy from time to time. I do it for the same reasons women do it — protect my partner's ego, get thru something when I'm tired or just not feeling it, etc. It's not that big a deal.
That's an absolutely brilliant description of a man-whore and how he is different from other classes of males who are often conflated with the man-whore. I do love to make women happy, especially in bed. I have no interest in sex that doesn't get women off. I love to take women on great dates and have great sex…
I am a lawyer.
I'm a lawyer, too. Amazing this case got to the Iowa Supreme Court without anyone realizing this woman's lawyer is completely unqualified to practice law, if that's truly the case.
But why not sue for sex harassment after she's fired? Obviously, she was willing to pursue a sex discrimination case after she was fired. Why not a sex harassment case, too? You can sue for sex harassment after you're fired. Why didn't she?
It might very well have gone differently if it were sexual harassment. I'm sure her lawyer asked her about sexual harassment. I find it interesting she did not allege that. Perhaps telling. We know she discussed her married sex life with her boss, which would certainly have been used against her in a sexual harassment…
If Ms Nelson considered Mr Knight's actions "inappropriate," she probably should have alleged sexual harassment. That she did not is telling. In addition, an employee talking to her boss about the frequency of her sex with her husband is unlikely to pass muster in many HR handbooks.
It's impossible to judge gender discrimination without looking into the reason why a person was fired. The court judged in this case that Ms Nelson was fired because Mr Knight's wife wanted her fired. There's no evidence he would have fired her if his wife had not demanded it.
I agree the outcome here is unjust for Ms Nelson. The responsibility lies with legislators, to ensure this can't happen again. I just don't blame the judges for this outcome. They were dealt a crappy hand to begin with.
They were exchanging flirty texts. Both were texting and neither objected to it. Ms Nelson made a comment to her boss, Mr Knight, that her husband didn't have sex with her often enough. CNN:
It's not a matter of what is cool. It's a matter of what is legal. This outcome is unfair to Ms Nelson, but people get fired for unfair reasons all the time. It's usually not illegal.
Mr Knight and Ms Nelson were flirting with each other. Mr Knight's wife noticed and demanded that he fire Ms Nelson. He did. Ms Nelson sued.
Mr Knight's wife DID tell him to fire Ms Nelson.