
This is the critical issue:

A loner? You're joking!

1. Having lots of casual sex with women.

1. This is a site for women.

A woman who has no objection to me ducking out as soon as the fun is over? We need more like you in this world. Many, many more.

I'm a dude and I've had a few women call me a slut. Actually, it's happened on this website. Slut-shaming. Who knew it could happen to dudes?

Absolutely no one who follows Microsoft is shocked by this news.

First, who says "tipsy"? I've never met anyone who used that word in a non-ironic way.

Do girls and women really take selfies in search of the approval of males? I'm on the outside on this, but I thought they were doing mostly for each other. I've been around a few young women who were taking selfies and if I asked why, it was always so they could show their female friends.

High risk, high reward. Yeah. I think I like that.

What should we have for dinner tonight? Chinese? Thai? Indian? Hell, it all tastes great.

Don't care about the fashion. Just can't wait to see "The World's End." After "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz," I'd totally go gay for Simon Pegg and/or Edgar Wright.

I was being sarcastic. Hence the "ten times worse than being Hitler" part.

Cool. Have a great Fourth!

Sally Field said there would be no war if mothers ran the world. There is no way a woman who was in two Smokey and the Bandit movies would lie to me.

It wasn't a joke.

LOL The Wonka bit is a nice touch.

It's rotten. I just wanted to have casual sex with an attractive and willing partner. Breaking up a family, happy or otherwise, is not something I aspire to ever do. Which is why her pleas that I not tell her husband — who I don't know — were unnecessary. I told her to never contact me again.

What did anyone think equality was going to yield? Of course it will yield men and women mistreating their fellow humans, animals and planet in roughly equal amounts. They will also be doing equal amounts of good. We'll all be pretty much the same except the WNBA will still be completely unwatchable.

Yes, a lot of those stereotypes are dated. They probably reflect Ms Beusman's age. They're not offensive, though, unless you count them as an offense to comedy.